Hi devs, I'm happy to announce that FLIP-420: Add API annotations for RocksDB StateBackend user-facing classes [1] has been accepted with 7 approving votes (4 binding) [2]:
- Yun Tang (binding) - Jeyhun Karimov (non-binding) - Hangxiang Yu (binding) - Yanfei Lei (binding) - Zakelly Lan (non-binding) - Jing Ge (binding) - Ahmed Hamdy (non-binding) There are no disapproving votes. Thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion and voting. [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/JQs4EQ [2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/gfgz4j2m15w8ppwhdgm1f3nhsdpvphox Best, Jinzhong Li