Artem created FLINK-34620:

             Summary: Process recursive protobuf schemas in PbToRowTypeUtil
                 Key: FLINK-34620
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Formats (JSON, Avro, Parquet, ORC, SequenceFile)
            Reporter: Artem

The current version of _PbToRowTypeUtil.generateRowType_ doesn't support 
recursive protobuf schemas like
message RecursiveMessage \{
   int32 id = 1;
   RecursiveMessage message = 2;
It throws _java.lang.StackOverflowError._

This could be implemented by trimming the recursion. Same approach is used in 
Apache Spark, for example. 


then output Table schemas for the above proto-schema will be like this:
recursiveFieldMaxDepth=0:  message: ROW< id: INTEGER > 
recursiveFieldMaxDepth=1:  message: ROW< id: INTEGER, message: ROW< id: INTEGER 
> > recursiveFieldMaxDepth=2:  message: ROW< id: INTEGER, message: ROW< id: 
INTEGER, message: ROW< id: INTEGER > > >

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