Mehmet Aktas created FLINK-34203:

             Summary: PyFlink `get_field_data_types()` supports only `precision 
= 3` for `TimestampType`
                 Key: FLINK-34203
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Technical Debt
          Components: API / Python
            Reporter: Mehmet Aktas

PyFlink schema's `get_field_data_types()` set `precision` to 3 for `TIMESTAMP` 
regardless of the input precision – copied the relevant pieces of code below. 
There does not seem to be any reason for this implicit assumption. It led to an 
error in our project, forcing us to implement a wrapper around 


pyflink/table/ get_field_data_types():
    def get_field_data_types(self) -> List[DataType]:
        Returns all field data types as a list.        :return: A list of all 
field data types.
        return [_from_java_data_type(item) for item in 
self._j_table_schema.getFieldDataTypes()] {code}
pyflink/table/ _from_java_data_type():
def _from_java_data_type(j_data_type):
    Converts Java DataType to Python DataType.
    if is_instance_of(j_data_type, gateway.jvm.AtomicDataType):
        logical_type = j_data_type.getLogicalType()     

        elif is_instance_of(logical_type, gateway.jvm.TimestampType):
            data_type = DataTypes.TIMESTAMP(precision=3, 

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