+1 for the idea of choosing SQL as the serialization format for QueryOperation, thanks for Dawid for driving this FLIP.
Regarding the implementation, I didn't see the proposal for how to translate QueryOperation to SQL yet, am I missing something? Or the FLIP is still in preliminary state, you just want to gather ideas about whether to use SQL or something else as the serialization format for QueryOperation? Dawid Wysakowicz <dwysakow...@apache.org> 于2023年11月15日周三 19:34写道: > > Hi, > I would like to propose a follow-up improvement to some of the work that > has been done over the years to the Table API. I posted the proposed > changes in the FLIP-393. I'd like to get to know what others think of > choosing SQL as the serialization format for QueryOperations. > Regards, > Dawid Wysakowicz > > [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/vQ2ZE -- Best, Benchao Li