Hi Team, In my previous email[1] I have described our challenges migrating the existing Iceberg SinkFunction based implementation, to the new SinkV2 based implementation.
As a result of the discussion around that topic, I have created the FLIP-371 [2] to address the Committer related changes, and now I have created a companion FLIP-372 [3] to address the WithPreCommitTopology related issues. FLIP-372: Allow TwoPhaseCommittingSink WithPreCommitTopology to alter the type of the Committable The main goal of the FLIP-372 is to extend the currently existing TwoPhaseCommittingSink API by adding the possibility to have a PreCommitTopology where the input of and the output types of the pre commit transformation are different. Here is the FLIP: FLIP-372: Allow TwoPhaseCommittingSink WithPreCommitTopology to alter the type of the Committable <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-372%3A+Allow+TwoPhaseCommittingSink+WithPreCommitTopology+to+alter+the+type+of+the+Committable> Please use this thread to discuss the FLIP related questions, proposals, and feedback. Thanks, Peter - [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/h3kg7jcgjstpvwlhnofq093vk93ylgsn - [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-371%3A+Provide+initialization+context+for+Committer+creation+in+TwoPhaseCommittingSink - [3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-372%3A+Allow+TwoPhaseCommittingSink+WithPreCommitTopology+to+alter+the+type+of+the+Committable https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-372%3A+Allow+TwoPhaseCommittingSink+WithPreCommitTopology+to+alter+the+type+of+the+Committable