Hi Yun,

Thanks for the input. Agree with that setting parallelism for each operator is 
also valuable, and compiled plan should work. However, this would significantly 
increase the complexity. I'd rather make the FLIP focused and leave it for 
future work. WDYT?

Zhanghao Chen
发件人: Yun Tang <myas...@live.com>
发送时间: 2023年9月15日 10:32
收件人: dev@flink.apache.org <dev@flink.apache.org>
抄送: dewe...@outlook.com <dewe...@outlook.com>
主题: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-367: Support Setting Parallelism for Table/SQL Sources

Thanks for creating this FLIP,

Many users have demands to configure the source parallelism just as configuring 
the sink parallelism via DDL. Look forward for this feature.

BTW, I think setting parallelism for each operator should also be valuable. And 
this shall work with compiled plan [1] instead of SQL's DDL.


Yun Tang
From: Benchao Li <libenc...@apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 19:53
To: dev@flink.apache.org <dev@flink.apache.org>
Cc: dewe...@outlook.com <dewe...@outlook.com>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-367: Support Setting Parallelism for Table/SQL 

Thanks Zhanghao, Dewei for preparing the FLIP,

I think this is a long awaited feature, and I appreciate your effort,
especially the "Other concerns" part you listed.

Regarding the parallelism of transformations following the source
transformation, it's indeed a problem that we initially want to solve
when we introduced this feature internally. I'd like to hear more
opinions on this. Personally I'm ok to leave it out of this FLIP for
the time being.

Chen Zhanghao <zhanghao.c...@outlook.com> 于2023年9月14日周四 14:46写道:
> Hi Devs,
> Dewei (cced) and I would like to start a discussion on FLIP-367: Support 
> Setting Parallelism for Table/SQL Sources [1].
> Currently, Flink Table/SQL jobs do not expose fine-grained control of 
> operator parallelism to users. FLIP-146 [2] brings us support for setting 
> parallelism for sinks, but except for that, one can only set a default global 
> parallelism and all other operators share the same parallelism. However, in 
> many cases, setting parallelism for sources individually is preferable:
> - Many connectors have an upper bound parallelism to efficiently ingest data. 
> For example, the parallelism of a Kafka source is bound by the number of 
> partitions, any extra tasks would be idle.
> - Other operators may involve intensive computation and need a larger 
> parallelism.
> We propose to improve the current situation by extending the current table 
> source API to support setting parallelism for Table/SQL sources via connector 
> options.
> Looking forward to your feedback.
> [1] FLIP-367: Support Setting Parallelism for Table/SQL Sources - Apache 
> Flink - Apache Software 
> Foundation<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=263429150>
> [2] FLIP-146: Improve new TableSource and TableSink interfaces - Apache Flink 
> - Apache Software 
> Foundation<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-146%3A+Improve+new+TableSource+and+TableSink+interfaces>
> Best,
> Zhanghao Chen


Benchao Li

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