Rui Fan created FLINK-32895: ------------------------------- Summary: Introduce the max attempts for Exponential Delay Restart Strategy Key: FLINK-32895 URL: Project: Flink Issue Type: Improvement Components: Runtime / Coordination Reporter: Rui Fan Assignee: Rui Fan
Currently, Flink has 3 restart strategies, they are: fixed-delay, failure-rate and exponential-delay. The exponential-delay is suitable if a job continues to fail for a period of time. The fixed-delay and failure-rate has the max attemepts mechanism, that means, the job won't restart and fail after the attemept exceeds the threshold of max attemepts. The max attemepts mechanism is reasonable, flink should not or need to infinitely restart the job if the job keeps failing. However, the exponential-delay doesn't have the max attemepts mechanism. I propose inctroducing the `restart-strategy.exponential-delay.max-attemepts-before-reset` to support the max attemepts mechanism for exponential-delay. It means flink won't restart job if the number of job failures before reset exceeds max-attepts-before-reset when is exponential-delay is enabled. -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.10#820010)