Hi Piotr,

Thank you for all the discussions! I will ask for a meeting in the future
when we have prolonged discussions like this :)

Please see my comments inline.

BTW, I am hoping we can make this feature available in Flink 1.18, which
will feature freeze soon on July 24. If this FLIP looks good overall, do
you think it is OK to open the voting thread?


On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 1:07 AM Piotr Nowojski <piotr.nowoj...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> Me and Dong chatted offline about the above mentioned issues (thanks for
> that offline chat
> I think it helped both of us a lot). The summary is below.
> > Previously, I thought you meant to add a generic logic in
> SourceReaderBase
> > to read existing metrics (e.g. backpressure) and emit the
> > IsProcessingBacklogEvent to SourceCoordinator. I am sorry if I have
> > misunderstood your suggetions.
> >
> > After double-checking your previous suggestion, I am wondering if you are
> > OK with the following approach:
> >
> > - Add a job-level config execution.checkpointing.interval-during-backlog
> > - Add an API SourceReaderContext#setProcessingBacklog(boolean
> > isProcessingBacklog).
> > - When this API is invoked, it internally sends an
> > internal SourceReaderBacklogEvent to SourceCoordinator.
> > - SourceCoordinator should keep track of the latest isProcessingBacklog
> > status from all its subtasks. And for now, we will hardcode the logic
> such
> > that if any source reader says it is under backlog, then
> > execution.checkpointing.interval-during-backlog is used.
> >
> > This approach looks good to me as it can achieve the same performance
> with
> > the same number of public APIs for the target use-case. And I suppose in
> > the future we might be able to re-use this API for source reader to set
> its
> > backlog status based on its backpressure metrics, which could be an extra
> > advantage over the current approach.
> >
> > Do you think we can agree to adopt the approach described above?
> Yes, I think that's a viable approach. I would be perfectly fine to not
> introduce
> `SourceReaderContext#setProcessingBacklog(boolean isProcessingBacklog).`
> and sending the `SourceReaderBacklogEvent` from SourceReader to JM
> in this FLIP. It could be implemented once we would decide to add some more
> generic
> ways of detecting backlog/backpressure on the SourceReader level.

> I think we could also just keep the current proposal of adding
> `SplitEnumeratorContext#setIsProcessingBacklog`, and use it in the sources
> that
> can set it on the `SplitEnumerator` level. Later we could merge this with
> another
> mechanisms of detecting "isProcessingBacklog", like based on watermark lag,
> backpressure, etc, via some component running on the JM.
Sounds good! We will keep the FLIP as is. And yes, let's extend the API
when it is needed in the future.

> At the same time I'm fine with having the "isProcessingBacklog" concept to
> switch
> runtime back and forth between high and low latency modes instead of
> "backpressure". In FLIP-325 I have asked:

> > I think there is one thing that hasn't been discussed neither here nor in
> FLIP-309. Given that we have
> > three dimensions:
> > - e2e latency/checkpointing interval
> > - enabling some kind of batching/buffering on the operator level
> > - how much resources we want to allocate to the job
> >
> > How do we want Flink to adjust itself between those three? For example:
> > a) Should we assume that given Job has a fixed amount of assigned
> resources and make it paramount that
> >   Flink doesn't exceed those available resources? So in case of
> backpressure, we
> >   should extend checkpointing intervals, emit records less frequently and
> in batches.
> > b) Or should we assume that the amount of resources is flexible (up to a
> point?), and the desired e2e latency
> >   is the paramount aspect? So in case of backpressure, we should still
> adhere to the configured e2e latency,
> >   and wait for the user or autoscaler to scale up the job?
> >
> > In case of a), I think the concept of "isProcessingBacklog" is not
> needed, we could steer the behaviour only
> > using the backpressure information.
> >
> > On the other hand, in case of b), "isProcessingBacklog" information might
> be helpful, to let Flink know that
> > we can safely decrease the e2e latency/checkpoint interval even if there
> is no backpressure, to use fewer
> > resources (and let the autoscaler scale down the job).
> >
> > Do we want to have both, or only one of those? Do a) and b) complement
> one another? If job is backpressured,
> > we should follow a) and expose to autoscaler/users information "Hey! I'm
> barely keeping up! I need more resources!".
> > While, when there is no backpressure and latency doesn't matter
> (isProcessingBacklog=true), we can limit the resource
> > usage
> After thinking this over:
> - the case that we don't have "isProcessingBacklog" information, but the
> source operator is
>   back pressured, must be intermittent. EIther back pressure will go away,
> or shortly we should
>   reach the "isProcessingBacklog" state anyway
> - and even if we implement some back pressure detecting algorithm to switch
> the runtime into the
>   "high latency mode", we can always report that as "isProcessingBacklog"
> anyway, as runtime should
>    react the same way in both cases (backpressure and "isProcessingBacklog
> states).

I agree. Thanks for providing the thoughts and the summary.

> ===============
> With a common understanding of the final solution that we want to have in
> the future, I'm pretty much fine with the current
> FLIP-309 proposal, with a couple of remarks:
> 1. Could you include in the FLIP-309 the long term solution as we have
> discussed.
>         a) Would be nice to have some diagram showing how the
> "isProcessingBacklog" information would be travelling,
>              being aggregated and what will be done with that information.
> (from SourceReader/SplitEnumerator to some
>             "component" aggregating it, and then ... ?)

Sure, I added a figure in FLIP-309 which shows an example job that joins
records from two inputs with different isProcessingBacklog status. The
figure shows that the isBacklog information travels through the job graph
via the RecordAttributes event.

Not sure this figure is sufficient though. I also added more text to
describe the definition, semantics, and rules of thumb for determining
the isBacklog value across operators in the job.

2. For me "processing backlog" doesn't necessarily equate to "backpressure"
> (HybridSource can be
>     both NOT backpressured and processing backlog at the same time). If you
> think the same way, can you include that
>     definition of "processing backlog" in the FLIP including its relation
> to the backpressure state? If not, we need to align
>     on that definition first :)

Yes, I share the same thoughts with you and agree that  "processing
backlog" doesn't necessarily equate to "backpressure".

It is a good point that we should describe in more detail the definition
and the semantics of "processing backlog", as well as how that information
should be determined in each operator and propagate throughout the job
graph. I have updated FLIP-309 with a "High-level overview of
isProcessingBacklog" section to provide this information.

Could you take another look and see if there is further information needed?

> Also I'm missing a big picture description, that would show what are you
> trying to achieve and what's the overarching vision
> behind all of the current and future FLIPs that you are planning in this
> area (FLIP-309, FLIP-325, FLIP-327, FLIP-331, ...?).
> Or was it described somewhere and I've missed it?

Certainly, I agree it is useful to discuss the high-level vision behind
these FLIPs so that we can be on the same page when discussing these FLIPs
in collaboration.

The overall vision behind these FLIPs is to maximize Flink performance for
stream-batch unified use-case (e.g. those use-cases that need to process a
bounded set of stale data followed by an unbounded set of fresh data).
Currently, even though Flink can generate correctness results for these
use-cases, its performance can be considerably slower than what should be
achievable (e.g. if we can switch from batch to stream mode during the same
job execution). FLIP-309, FLIP-325, FLIP-327, FLIP-331 are aimed at
addressing this problem by improving different parts of the Flink
(checkpoint, operator, task scheduling etc.).

I will summarize the problem, vision, solution and related FLIPs in a
google doc and share it with you later in this email, probably in 1-2 days.


> Best,
> Piotrek
> czw., 6 lip 2023 o 06:25 Dong Lin <lindon...@gmail.com> napisał(a):
> > Hi Piotr,
> >
> > I am sorry if you feel unhappy or upset with us for not following/fixing
> > your proposal. It is not my intention to give you this feeling. After
> all,
> > we are all trying to make Flink better, to support more use-case with the
> > most maintainable code. I hope you understand that just like you, I have
> > also been doing my best to think through various design options and
> taking
> > time to evalute the pros/cons. Eventually, we probably still need to
> reach
> > consensus by clearly listing and comparing the objective pros/cons of
> > different proposals and identifying the best choice.
> >
> > Regarding your concern (or frustration) that we are always finding issues
> > in your proposal, I would say it is normal (and probably necessary) for
> > developers to find pros/cons in each other's solutions, so that we can
> > eventually pick the right one. I will appreciate anyone who can correctly
> > pinpoint the concrete issue in my proposal so that I can improve it or
> > choose an alternative solution.
> >
> > Regarding your concern that we are not spending enough effort to find
> > solutions and that the problem in your solution can be solved in a
> minute,
> > I would like to say that is not true. For each of your previous
> proposals,
> > I typically spent 1+ hours thinking through your proposal to understand
> > whether it works and why it does not work, and another 1+ hour to write
> > down the details and explain why it does not work. And I have had a
> variety
> > of offline discussions with my colleagues discussing various proposals
> > (including yours) with 6+ hours in total. Maybe I am not capable enough
> to
> > fix those issues in one minute or so so. If you think your proposal can
> be
> > easily fixed in one minute or so, I would really appreciate it if you can
> > think through your proposal and fix it in the first place :)
> >
> > For your information, I have had several long discussions with my
> > colleagues at Alibaba and also Becket on this FLIP. We have seriously
> > considered your proposals and discussed in detail what are the pros/cons
> > and whether we can improve these solutions. The initial version of this
> > FLIP (which allows the source operator to specify checkpoint intervals)
> > does not get enough support due to concerns of not being generic (i.e.
> > users need to specify checkpoint intervals on a per-source basis). It is
> > only after I updated the FLIP to use the job-level
> > execution.checkpointing.interval-during-backlog, then they agree to give
> +1
> > to the FLIP. What I want to tell you is that your suggestions have been
> > taken seriously, and the quality of the FLIP has been taken seriously
> > by all those who have voted. As a result of taking your suggestion
> > seriously and trying to find improvements, we updated the FLIP to use
> > isProcessingBacklog.
> >
> > I am wondering, do you think it will be useful to discuss face-to-face
> via
> > video conference call? It is not just between you and me. We can invite
> the
> > developers who are interested to join and help with the discussion. That
> > might improve communication efficiency and help us understand each other
> > better :)
> >
> > I am writing this long email to hopefully get your understanding. I care
> > much more about the quality of the eventual solution rather than who
> > proposed the solution. Please bear with me and see my comments inline,
> with
> > an explanation of the pros/cons of these proposals.
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 11:06 PM Piotr Nowojski <piotr.nowoj...@gmail.com
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Guys,
> > >
> > > I would like to ask you again, to spend a bit more effort on trying to
> > find
> > > solutions, not just pointing out problems. For 1.5 months,
> > > the discussion doesn't go in circle, but I'm suggesting a solution, you
> > are
> > > trying to undermine it with some arguments, I'm coming
> > > back with a fix, often an extremely easy one, only for you to try to
> find
> > > yet another "issue". It doesn't bode well, if you are finding
> > > a "problem" that can be solved with a minute or so of thinking or even
> > has
> > > already been solved.
> > >
> > > I have provided you so far with at least three distinct solutions that
> > > could address your exact target use-case. Two [1][2] generic
> > > enough to be probably good enough for the foreseeable future, one
> > > intermediate and not generic [3] but which wouldn't
> > > require @Public API changes or some custom hidden interfaces.
> >
> >
> > > All in all:
> > > - [1] with added metric hints like "isProcessingBacklog" solves your
> > target
> > > use case pretty well. Downside is having to improve
> > >   how JM is collecting/aggregating metrics
> > >
> >
> > Here is my analysis of this proposal compared to the current approach in
> > the FLIP-309.
> >
> > pros:
> > - No need to add the public API
> > SplitEnumeratorContext#setIsProcessingBacklog.
> > cons:
> > - Need to add a public API that subclasses of SourceReader can use to
> > specify its IsProcessingBacklog metric value.
> > - Source Coordinator needs to periodically pull the isProcessingBacklog
> > metrics from all TMs throughout the job execution.
> >
> > Here is why I think the cons outweigh the pros:
> > 1) JM needs to collect/aggregate metrics with extra runtime overhead,
> which
> > is not necessary for the target use-case with the push-based approach in
> > FLIP-309.
> > 2) For the target use-case, it is simpler and more intuitive for source
> > operators (e.g. HybridSource, MySQL CDC source) to be able to set its
> > isProcessingBacklog status in the SplitEnumerator. This is because the
> > switch between bounded/unbounded stages happens in their SplitEnumerator.
> >
> >
> >
> > > - [2] is basically an equivalent of [1], replacing metrics with events.
> > It
> > > also is a superset of your proposal
> > >
> >
> > Previously, I thought you meant to add a generic logic in
> SourceReaderBase
> > to read existing metrics (e.g. backpressure) and emit the
> > IsProcessingBacklogEvent to SourceCoordinator. I am sorry if I have
> > misunderstood your suggetions.
> >
> > After double-checking your previous suggestion, I am wondering if you are
> > OK with the following approach:
> >
> > - Add a job-level config execution.checkpointing.interval-during-backlog
> > - Add an API SourceReaderContext#setProcessingBacklog(boolean
> > isProcessingBacklog).
> > - When this API is invoked, it internally sends an
> > internal SourceReaderBacklogEvent to SourceCoordinator.
> > - SourceCoordinator should keep track of the latest isProcessingBacklog
> > status from all its subtasks. And for now, we will hardcode the logic
> such
> > that if any source reader says it is under backlog, then
> > execution.checkpointing.interval-during-backlog is used.
> >
> > This approach looks good to me as it can achieve the same performance
> with
> > the same number of public APIs for the target use-case. And I suppose in
> > the future we might be able to re-use this API for source reader to set
> its
> > backlog status based on its backpressure metrics, which could be an extra
> > advantage over the current approach.
> >
> > Do you think we can agree to adopt the approach described above?
> >
> >
> > - [3] yes, it's hacky, but it's a solution that could be thrown away once
> > > we implement [1] or [2] . The only real theoretical
> > >   downside is that it cannot control the long checkpoint exactly (short
> > > checkpoint interval has to be a divisor of the long checkpoint
> > >   interval, but I simply can not imagine a practical use where that
> would
> > > be a blocker for a user. Please..., someone wanting to set
> > >   short checkpoint interval to 3min and long to 7 minutes, and that
> > someone
> > > can not accept the long interval to be 9 minutes?
> > >   And that's even ignoring the fact that if someone has an issue with
> > the 3
> > > minutes checkpoint interval, I can hardly think that merely
> > >   doubling the interval to 7 minutes would significantly solve any
> > problem
> > > for that user.
> > >
> >
> > Yes, this is a fabricated example that shows
> > execution.checkpointing.interval-during-backlog might not be accurately
> > enforced with this option. I think you are probably right that it might
> not
> > matter that much. I just think we should try our best to make Flink
> public
> > API's semantics (including configuration) clear, simple, and enforceable.
> > If we can make the user-facing configuration enforceable at the cost of
> an
> > extra developer facing API (i.e. setProcessingBacklog(...)), I would
> prefer
> > to do this.
> >
> > It seems that we both agree that option [2] is better than [3]. I will
> skip
> > the further comments for this option and we can probably focus on
> > option [2] :)
> >
> >
> > > Dong a long time ago you wrote:
> > > > Sure. Then let's decide the final solution first.
> > >
> > > Have you thought about that? Maybe I'm wrong but I don't remember you
> > > describing in any of your proposals how they could be
> > > extended in the future, to cover more generic cases. Regardless if you
> > > either don't believe in the generic solution or struggle to
> > >
> >
> > Yes, I have thought about the plan to extend the current FLIP to support
> > metrics (e.g. backpressure) based solution you described earlier.
> Actually,
> > I mentioned multiple times in the earlier email that your suggestion of
> > using metrics is valuable and I will do this in a follow-up FLIP.
> >
> > Here are my comments from the previous email:
> > - See "I will add follow-up FLIPs to make use of the event-time metrics
> and
> > backpressure metrics" from Jul 3, 2023, 6:39 PM
> > - See "I agree it is valuable" from Jul 1, 2023, 11:00 PM
> > - See "we will create a followup FLIP (probably in FLIP-328)" from Jun
> 29,
> > 2023, 11:01 AM
> >
> > Frankly speaking, I think the idea around using the backpressure metrics
> > still needs a bit more thinking before we can propose a FLIP. But I am
> > pretty sure we can make use of the watermark/event-time to determine the
> > backlog status.
> >
> > grasp it, if you can come back with something that can be easily extended
> > > in the future, up to a point where one could implement
> > > something similar to this backpressure detecting algorithm that I
> > mentioned
> > > many times before, I would be happy to discuss and
> > > support it.
> > >
> >
> > Here is my idea of extending the source reader to support
> event-time-based
> > backlog detecting algorithms:
> >
> > - Add a job-level config such as watermark-lag-threshold-for-backlog. If
> > any source reader determines that the event-timestamp is available and
> the
> > system-time - watermark exceeds this threshold, then the source reader
> > considers its isProcessingBacklog=true.
> > - The source reader can send an event to the source coordinator. Note
> that
> > this might be doable in the SourceReaderBase without adding any public
> > which the concrete SourceReader subclass needs to explicitly invoke.
> > - And in the future if FLIP-325 is accepted, insteading of sending the
> > event to SourceCoordinator and let SourceCoordinator inform the
> checkpoint
> > coordinator, the source reader might just emit the information as part of
> > the RecordAttributes and let the two-phase commit sink inform the
> > checkpoint coordinator.
> >
> > Note that this is a sketch of the idea and it might need further
> > improvement. I just hope you understand that we have thought about this
> > idea and did quite a lot of thinking for these design options. If it is
> OK
> > with you, I hope we can make incremental progress and discuss the
> > metrics-based solution separately in a follow-up FLIP.
> >
> > Last but not least, thanks for taking so much time to leave comments and
> > help us improve the FLIP. Please kindly bear with us in this discussion.
> I
> > am looking forward to collaborating with you to find the best design for
> > the target use-cases.
> >
> > Best,
> > Dong
> >
> >
> > > Hang, about your points 1. and 2., do you think those problems are
> > > insurmountable and blockers for that counter proposal?
> > >
> > > > 1. It is hard to find the error checkpoint.
> > >
> > > No it's not, please take a look at what I exactly proposed and maybe at
> > the
> > > code.
> > >
> > > > 2. (...) The failed checkpoint may make them think the job is
> > unhealthy.
> > >
> > > Please read again what I wrote in [3]. I'm mentioning there a solution
> > for
> > > this exact "problem".
> > >
> > > About the necessity of the config value, I'm still not convinced that's
> > > needed from the start, but yes we can add some config option
> > > if you think otherwise. This option, if named properly, could be
> re-used
> > in
> > > the future for different solutions, so that's fine by me.
> > >
> > > Best,
> > > Piotrek
> > >
> > > [1] Introduced in my very first e-mail from 23 maj 2023, 16:26, and
> > refined
> > > later with point "2." in my e-mail from 16 June 2023, 17:58
> > > [2] Section "2. ===============" in my e-mail from 30 June 2023, 16:34
> > > [3] Section "3. ===============" in my e-mail from 30 June 2023, 16:34
> > >
> > > All times in CEST.
> > >
> > >
> >

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