Hi, devs.

I don't know if you have any other considerations for this FLIP. All
discussions are welcome.
If there are no other opinions in the near days, I will try to initiate a
vote. thank you all.

Best Regards,
Ran Tao

Ran Tao <chucheng...@gmail.com> 于2023年4月10日周一 15:33写道:

> Hi, devs. I want to reopen this discussion because some questions have
> been solved or need more discussions.
> In the previous discussion, there were some questions and problems.
> @Timo
> 1.about option prefix, we decide to use identifiers. e.g.
> ```
> create table hybrid_source(
>  f0 varchar,
>  f1 varchar,
>  f2 bigint
> ) with(
>  'connector'='hybrid',
>  'source-identifiers'='historical,realtime',
>  'historical.connector'='filesystem'
>  'historical.path' = '/tmp/a.csv',
>  'historical.format' = 'csv',
>  'realtime.connector'='kafka',
>  'realtime.topic' = 'test',
>  'realtime.properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
>  'realtime.properties.group.id' = 'test',
>  'realtime.scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
>  'realtime.format' = 'csv'
> );
> ```
> @Martijn Visser <martijnvis...@apache.org>
> 1.table api usage
> I updated the FLIP about table api usage.
> 2.how dynamic switched start timestamp works?
> In this FLIP, we introduce 2 interfaces to support it.
> If we open switched-start-position-enabled try to use dynamic switched
> start timestamp, then first source split numerator needs to
> implement SupportsGetEndTimestamp, next source needs to
> implement SupportsSwitchedStartTimestamp.
> We use SupportsGetEndTimestamp and SupportsSwitchedStartTimestamp to get
> the previous bounded source end timestamp and apply it to the next
> streaming source.
> @John Roesler
> 1.source handoff
> We both support Fixed-Start-Position And Switched-start-Position. The
> default is Fixed-Start-Position. Use option switched-start-position-enabled
> to control it.
> In Fixed-Start-Position, the next streaming source uses its own startup
> strategy, e.g. in kafka, we use predefined kafka scan.startup.mode in user
> sql.
> In Switched-start-Position, this is the same question as `how dynamic
> switched start timestamp works` from @Martijn above. We offer
> SupportsGetEndTimestamp interface to extract first source split enumerator
> endTimestamp
> and pass it to the next source. and Next source uses
> SupportsSwitchedStartTimestamp to apply it.
> 2.more child sources
> Yes, this is consistent with the hybrid source datastream api, there is no
> limit on the number of children sources.
> e.g. this is a 3 source case below.
> ```
> create table hybrid_source(
>  f0 varchar,
>  f1 varchar,
>  f2 bigint
> ) with(
>  'connector'='hybrid',
>  'source-identifiers'='historical01,historical02,realtime',
>  'historical01.connector'='filesystem'
>  'historical01.path' = '/tmp/a.csv',
>  'historical01.format' = 'csv',
>  'historical02.connector'='filesystem'
>  'historical02.path' = '/tmp/a.csv',
>  'historical02.format' = 'csv',
>  'realtime.connector'='kafka',
>  'realtime.topic' = 'test',
>  'realtime.properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
>  'realtime.properties.group.id' = 'testGroup',
>  'realtime.scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
>  'realtime.format' = 'csv'
> );
> ```
> more details can be found at [1] & [2].
> Looking forward to your more concerns and opinions.
> 1.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=235836225
> 2.https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/21841
> Best Regards,
> Ran Tao
> Ran Tao <chucheng...@gmail.com> 于2022年12月15日周四 16:02写道:
>> Hi guys. HybridSource is a good feature, but now released version did not
>> support table & sql api for a long time.
>> I have wrote a discussed FLIP.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=235836225
>> Sorry for my unclear subject of previous email,  so here i have copied
>> the respond from the Timo and sent this email.  look forward to your
>> comments.
>> ```
>> Hi Ran,
>> Thanks for proposing a FLIP. Btw according to the process, the subject
>> of this email should be `[DISCUSS] FLIP-278: Hybrid Source Connector` so
>> that people can identify this discussion as a FLIP discussion.
>> Supporting the hybrid source for SQL was a long-standing issue on our
>> roadmap. Happy to give feedback here:
>> 1) Options
>> Coming up with stable long-term options should be a shared effort.
>> Having an index as a key could cause unintended side effects if the
>> index is not correctly chosen, I would suggest we use IDs instead.
>> What do you think about the following structure?
>>    'sources'='historical;realtime',   -- Config option of type string list
>>    'historical.connector' = 'filesystem',
>>    'historical.path' = '/tmp/a.csv',
>>    'historcal.format' = 'csv',
>>    'realtime.path' = '/tmp/b.csv',
>>    'realtime.format' = 'csv'"
>> )
>> I would limit the IDs to simple [a-z0-9_] identifiers. Once we support
>> metadata columns, we can also propagate these IDs easily.
>> 2) Schema field mappings
>> The FLIP mentions `schema-field-mappings` could you elaborate on this in
>> the document?
>> 3) Start position strategies
>> Have you thought about how we can represent start position strategies.
>> The FLIP is very minimal but it would be nice to at least hear some
>> opinions on this topic. Maybe we can come up with some general strategy
>> that makes the most common use case possible in the near future.
>> Thanks,
>> Timo
>> ```
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> Ran Tao
>> https://github.com/chucheng92

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