+1 (binding) - built from source code succeeded - verified signatures - verified hashsums - checked Github release tag - checked release notes - reviewed the web PR and left minor comment
Best, Leonard > 2023年4月24日 下午5:13,Danny Cranmer <dannycran...@apache.org> 写道: > > +1 (binding) > > - Release notes look ok > - Verified signature and hashes of source archive > - Tag is present in Github > - Reviewed Web PR > - Contents of MAven repo look good > - No binaries in the source archive > - Built source with Maven > - Verified NOTICE files > > Some observations > - Nightly CI is failing build for release tag due to 1.18 incompatibility, > I cut a ticket for that https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-31918 > - NOTICE files need year updating to 2023 however this is not a release > blocker > > > > On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 7:50 PM Martijn Visser <martijnvis...@apache.org> > wrote: > >> @Yufan can you make sure that these changes are properly included in the >> closed Jira tickets, under "Release Notes" ? >> >> +1 (binding) >> >> - Validated hashes >> - Verified signature >> - Verified that no binaries exist in the source archive >> - Build the source with Maven >> - Verified licenses >> - Verified web PRs >> >> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 4:32 PM Yufan Sheng <syh...@gmail.com> wrote: >> >>> +1 from the developer of flink-connector-pulsar >>> >>> I just want to add the comments here for the newly introduced breaking >>> changes in 4.0.0 >>> >>> Breaking Changes >>> >>> Some classes and interfaces which are annotated with @PublicEvolving >>> have been changed in this release. And this may affect the end-users. >>> >>> Pulsar Sink >>> >>> 1. PulsarMessage should be created by using the >>> PulsarMessage.builder() method. The PulsarMessageBuilder can’t be >>> created directly like before. >>> 2. The route method in the TopicRouter interface should return a >>> TopicPartition instead of a topic name. >>> 3. All the static methods in PulsarSerializationSchema have been >>> removed. You should set them (Schema, SerializationSchema) by directly >>> using PulsarSinkBuilder.setSerializationSchema(). >>> >>> Pulsar Source >>> >>> 1. The subscription type setting has been removed from the connector. >>> All the connector’s subscriptions will be created in Exclusive type. >>> The checkpoint for Shared and Key_Shared subscriptions couldn’t be >>> used since this release. >>> 2. The setSubscriptionType method has been removed from the >>> PulsarSourceBuilder. >>> 3. The fromMessageTime method has been removed from the StartCursor. >>> Pulsar doesn’t support seeking from message time. >>> 4. The RangeGenerator interface removed the deprecated open method and >>> the keyShareMode method. Because we don’t support the Key_Shared >>> subscription now. The RangeGenerator is only used in Exclusive >>> subscription to filter the desired keys. >>> 5. TopicPartition only exposes two constructors with the >>> @PublicEvolving annotation now. >>> 6. All the static methods in PulsarDeserializationSchema have been >>> removed. You should set them (Schema, SerializationSchema) by directly >>> using PulsarSourceBuilder.setDeserializationSchema(). >>> 7. The first argument of the open method in >>> PulsarDeserializationSchema has been changed from >>> InitializationContext to a new PulsarInitializationContext interface. >>> >>> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 4:58 PM Martijn Visser <martijnvis...@apache.org >>> >>> wrote: >>>> >>>> Hi everyone, >>>> Please review and vote on the release candidate #1 for the version >> 4.0.0, >>>> as follows: >>>> [ ] +1, Approve the release >>>> [ ] -1, Do not approve the release (please provide specific comments) >>>> >>>> >>>> The complete staging area is available for your review, which includes: >>>> * JIRA release notes [1], >>>> * the official Apache source release to be deployed to dist.apache.org >>> [2], >>>> which are signed with the key with fingerprint >>>> A5F3BCE4CBE993573EC5966A65321B8382B219AF [3], >>>> * all artifacts to be deployed to the Maven Central Repository [4], >>>> * source code tag v4.0.0-rc1 [5], >>>> * website pull request listing the new release [6]. >>>> >>>> The vote will be open for at least 72 hours. It is adopted by majority >>>> approval, with at least 3 PMC affirmative votes. >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> Release Manager >>>> >>>> [1] >>>> >>> >> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12315522&version=12352653 >>>> [2] >>>> >>> >> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/flink/flink-connector-pulsar-4.0.0-rc1 >>>> [3] https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/flink/KEYS >>>> [4] >>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheflink-1608/ >>>> [5] >>> https://github.com/apache/flink-connector-pulsar/releases/tag/v4.0.0-rc1 >>>> [6] https://github.com/apache/flink-web/pull/633 >>> >>