Hi everyone,

We are thrilled to announce that Qingsheng Ren has joined the Flink PMC!

Qingsheng has been contributing to Apache Flink for a long time. He is the
core contributor and maintainer of the Kafka connector and
flink-cdc-connectors, bringing users stability and ease of use in both
projects. He drove discussions and implementations in FLIP-221, FLIP-288,
and the connector testing framework. He is continuously helping with the
expansion of the Flink community and has given several talks about Flink
connectors at many conferences, such as Flink Forward Global and Flink
Forward Asia. Besides that, he is willing to help a lot in the community
work, such as being the release manager for both 1.17 and 1.18, verifying
releases, and answering questions on the mailing list.

Congratulations and welcome Qingsheng!

Jark (on behalf of the Flink PMC)

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