Sergey Nuyanzin created FLINK-31825:

             Summary: Stopping minikube fails with timeout
                 Key: FLINK-31825
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Connectors / Hadoop Compatibility, Tests
    Affects Versions: 1.18.0
            Reporter: Sergey Nuyanzin

Currently there is not so much information in logs...
Apr 13 01:27:02 * Stopping node "minikube"  ...
=== WARNING: This task took already 95% of the available time budget of 286 
minutes ===
The following Java processes are running (JPS)
243413 Jps
Printing stack trace of Java process 243413
243413: No such process
The following Java processes are running (JPS)
243516 Jps
Printing stack trace of Java process 243516
243516: No such process
=== WARNING: Killing task ===
Apr 13 05:48:53 [FAIL] Test script contains errors.

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