Hi all, I am happy to announce that FLIP-301: Hybrid Shuffle supports Remote Storage[1] has been accepted. The FLIP was voted in this thread[2].
There are 4 binding votes and 3 non-binding votes: - Wencong Liu (non-binding) - Weihua Hu (non-binding) - Junrui Lee (non-binding) - weijie guo (binding) - Xintong Song (binding) - Zhu Zhu (binding) - Yun Tang (binding) There is no disapproving vote. Thanks. [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-301%3A+Hybrid+Shuffle+supports+Remote+Storage [2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/xpmhpmodzlwo03n6zzovy36gox84l6zl Best, Yuxin