Thank you @Chesnay Schepler <> @David Morávek

I think in that case our primary goal should be to make sure that streaming
jobs always use the adaptive scheduler.
Also then it makes perfect sense to build the rescale api improvements for
that specifically.

However we should have a clear plan to make this a default and communicate
to the users. Otherwise this will only cause further confusion to the users
if we add more and more adaptive scheduler specific features.


On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 9:59 AM Chesnay Schepler <> wrote:

> The adaptive scheduler only supports streaming jobs. That's the biggest
> limitation that probably won't be fixed anytime soon.
> The goal was though to make the adaptive scheduler the default for
> streaming jobs eventually.
> it was very much meant as a better version of the default scheduler for
> streaming jobs.
> On 26/01/2023 19:06, David Morávek wrote:
> > Hi Gyula,
> >
> >
> >> can you please explain why the AdaptiveScheduler is not the default
> >> scheduler?
> >
> > There are still some smaller bits missing. As far as I know, the missing
> > parts are:
> >
> > 1) Local recovery (reusing the already downloaded state files after
> restart
> > / rescale)
> > 2) Support for fine-grained resource management
> > 3) Support for the session cluster (Chesnay will be submitting a FLIP for
> > this soon)
> >
> > We're looking into addressing all of these limitations in the short term.
> >
> > Personally, I'd love to start a discussion about making transitioning the
> > AdaptiveScheduler into a default one after those limitations are fixed.
> > Being able to eventually deprecate and remove the DefaultScheduler would
> > simplify the code-base by a lot since there are many adapters between new
> > and old interfaces (eg. SlotPool-related interfaces).
> >
> > Best,
> > D.
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 6:27 PM Gyula Fóra <> wrote:
> >
> >> Chesnay,
> >>
> >> Seems like you are suggesting that the Adaptive scheduler does
> everything
> >> the standard scheduler does and more.
> >>
> >> I am clearly not an expert on this topic but can you please explain why
> the
> >> AdaptiveScheduler is not the default scheduler?
> >> If it can do everything, why do we even have 2 schedulers? Why not
> simply
> >> drop the "old" one?
> >>
> >> That would probably clear up all confusionsthen :)
> >>
> >> Gyula
> >>
> >> On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 6:23 PM Chesnay Schepler <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> There's the default and reactive mode; nothing else.
> >>> At it's core they are the same thing; reactive mode just cranks up the
> >>> desired parallelism to infinity and enforces certain assumptions (e.g.,
> >>> no active resource management).
> >>>
> >>> The advantage is that the adaptive scheduler can run jobs while not
> >>> sufficient resources are available, and scale things up again once they
> >>> are available.
> >>> This is it's core functionality, but we always intended to extend it
> >>> such that users can modify the parallelism at runtime as well.
> >>> And since the AS can already rescale jobs (and was purpose-built with
> >>> that functionality in mind), this is just a matter of exposing an API
> >>> for it. Everything else is already there.
> >>>
> >>> As a concrete use-case, let's say you have an SLA that says jobs must
> >>> not be down longer than X seconds, and a TM just crashed.
> >>> If you can absolutely guarantee that your k8s cluster can provision a
> >>> new TM within X seconds, no matter what cruel reality has in store for
> >>> you, than you /may/ not need it.
> >>> If you can't, well then here's a use-case for you.
> >>>
> >>>   > Last time I looked they implemented the same interface and the same
> >>> base class. Of course, their behavior is quite different.
> >>>
> >>> They never shared a base class since day 1. Are you maybe mixing up the
> >>> AdaptiveScheduler and AdaptiveBatchScheduler?
> >>>
> >>> As for FLINK-30773, I think that should be covered.
> >>>
> >>> On 26/01/2023 17:10, Maximilian Michels wrote:
> >>>> Thanks for the explanation. If not for the "reactive mode", what is
> >>>> the advantage of the adaptive scheduler? What other modes does it
> >>>> support?
> >>>>
> >>>>> Apart from implementing the same interface the implementations of the
> >>> adaptive and default schedulers are separate.
> >>>> Last time I looked they implemented the same interface and the same
> >>>> base class. Of course, their behavior is quite different.
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm still very interested in learning about the future FLIPs
> >>>> mentioned. Based on the replies, I'm assuming that they will support
> >>>> the changes required for
> >>>>, or at least
> provide
> >>>> the basis for implementing them.
> >>>>
> >>>> -Max
> >>>>
> >>>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 4:57 PM Chesnay Schepler<>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>> On 26/01/2023 16:18, Maximilian Michels wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I see slightly different goals for the standard and the adaptive
> >>>>> scheduler. The adaptive scheduler's goal is to adapt the Flink job
> >>>>> according to the available resources.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This is really a misconception that we just have to stomp out.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This statement only applies to reactive mode, a special mode in which
> >>> the adaptive scheduler (AS) can run in where active resource management
> >> is
> >>> not supported since requesting infinite resources from k8s doesn't
> really
> >>> make sense.
> >>>>> The AS itself can work perfectly fine with active resource
> management,
> >>> and has no effect on how the RM talks to k8s. It can just keep the job
> >>> running in cases where less than desired (==user-provided parallelism)
> >>> resources are provided by k8s (possibly temporarily).
> >>>>> On 26/01/2023 16:18, Maximilian Michels wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> After
> >>>>> all, both schedulers share the same super class
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Apart from implementing the same interface the implementations of the
> >>> adaptive and default schedulers are separate.
> >>>
> >>>

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