Hi, Lincoln Lee;
1: Yes,  it's a typo; Thanks for pointing out. I have fixed the typo.
2: For stream users,  assuming for delete, they will receive 
TableException("DELETE TABLE is not supported for streaming mode now"); Update 
is similar. I also update them to the FLIP.

Best regards,

----- 原始邮件 -----
发件人: "Lincoln Lee" <lincoln.8...@gmail.com>
收件人: "dev" <dev@flink.apache.org>
发送时间: 星期三, 2022年 12 月 28日 上午 9:50:50
主题: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-282: Introduce Delete & Update API

Hi yuxia,

Thanks for the proposal! I think it'll be very useful for users in batch
scenarios to cooperate with external systems.

For the flip I have two questions:
1. Is it a typo the default method 'default ScanPurpose getScanPurpose();'
without implementation in interface ScanContext?
2. For stream users, what exceptions will be received for this unsupported

Lincoln Lee

yuxia <luoyu...@alumni.sjtu.edu.cn> 于2022年12月26日周一 20:24写道:

> Hi, devs.
> I'd like to start a discussion about FLIP-282: Introduce Delete & Update
> API[1].
> Row-Level SQL Delete & Update are becoming more and more important in
> modern big data workflow. The use cases include deleting a set of rows for
> regulatory compliance, updating a set of rows for data correction, etc.
> So, in this FLIP, I want to introduce Delete & Update API to Flink in
> batch mode. With these interfaces, the external connectors will have
> ability to delete & update existing data in the corresponding storages.
> Looking forwards to your feedback.
> [1]:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=235838061
> Best regards,
> Yuxia

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