Hi Dawid,

Very thanks for the discussion and sorry for the delayed response
since I was hesitated on some points. 

But as a whole, with some more thought, first I agree with that adding 
the trigger() / cancle() methods to some kind of timer object is not necessary
for us to achieve the exactly-once for the operators. We could follow the 
direction of "modifying the implementation of the operators" to achieve the
same target. 

But continue to think with this direction, it now looks to me it is also not
needed to add the callback to the timer services:
1. For InternalTimerService, the operators could just call `InternalTimerService
#forEachProcessingTimer()` on finish to handle the pending timers. 
2. For the timers registered to the underlying ProcessingTimerService, at least 
the currently listed scenarios, the operators itself knows what is the 
remaining work
(e.g., the FileWriter knows if it has in-progress file to flush). 

Operators could handle the remaining timers in finish() method. 

Then the only interface we need to consider is that added to the 
ProcessFunction. The
current interface also looks ok to me.

If you think the above option works, I could first have a PoC that demonstrate 
it is sufficient
to only modify the operator implementation to handling the remaining workers 
properly on
finish(). If there are new issues I'll post here and we could have some more 

Yun Gao

 ------------------Original Mail ------------------
Sender:Dawid Wysakowicz <dwysakow...@apache.org>
Send Date:Fri Dec 2 21:21:25 2022
Recipients:Dev <dev@flink.apache.org>
Subject:Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-269: Properly Handling the Processing Timers on Job 
Ad. 1
I'd start with ProcessingTimerService as that's the only public interface. It 
is exposed in the Sink V2 interface. In this scenario it would be the Sink 
interface that need to extend from a EOFTimersHandler. I believe it would be 
hard to pass it from there to the ProcessingTimeService as it is passed from 
the outside e.g. in the ProcessingTimeServiceAware. For that reason I'd go with 
a registration method in that interface.
In ProcessFunction I'd go with a mixin approach, so a ProcessFunction can 
extend from EOFTimersHandler. I'd do that because ProcessFunction does not have 
an init/open method where we could register the handler.
On operator level I'd have a registration method in InternalTimerService. I 
believe that's the only way to handle the above ProcessFunction aproach. E.g. 
in KeyedProcessOperator you need to check if the UDF extend from the interface 
not the operator itself.
Ad. 2
I'd go with
interface EOFTimersHandler {
 void handleProcessingTimer(long timestamp, Context);
interface Context {
         public abstract <X> void output(OutputTag<X> outputTag, X value);

         public abstract K getCurrentKey();
// we can extend it for waitFor later
interface EOFTimersHandler {
 void handleProcessingTimer(long timestamp, Context);
interface Context {
// we can extend it for waitFor later
interface EOFTimersHandler {
 void handleProcessingTimer(InternalTimer<K,N> timer Context);
interface Context {
// we can extend it for waitFor later
Personally I'd not try to unify those places too much. They have also different 
visibilities (public/internal), have access to different set of metadata 

Ad 3.
I don't like the having the trigger/cancel methods, because:
1. I don't like the back and forth between system and UDF
2. Yes, the biggest issue I have is with the possibility with registering new 
timers. I am trying to be on the safe side here. I don't like the idea of 
dropping them, because it is again making assumptions what users do with those 
timers. What if they e.g. emit counter if it reached certain threshold? We'd 
need an additional flag in the method that is the final timer. My sentiment is 
that we're making it questionably easier to trigger a timer for the cost of 
openning up for unforeseen problems with follow up registration.
On 30/11/2022 12:13, Yun Gao wrote:

Hi Dawid, PiotrVery thanks for the discussion!As a whole I think we are already 
consistent with the callback option, and I don't think I opposed that we could 
modify the current internal implementation. But from my side it is still not 
clear what the actual interfaces are proposing. Let me first try to summarize 
that a bit:1) Which object does the handlers register on?It seems there are two 
options, one is to timer services (InternalTimerService/ ProcessingTimerService 
or some equivalent things after refactoring), the otherone is as a lifecycle of 
the operator. I'm now tending to the latter one, how do you think on this 
part?2) What is the interface of the handler?Option 1 is that interface 
SomeHandlerName { void processingTimer(Timer timer);}class Timer { long 
getTimestamp(); void trigger(); void cancel(); // Other actions if required. 
}But it seems there is controversy on whether to add actions to the timer 
class. If without that, with my understanding the interfaces of the Option 2 
areinterface SomeHandlerName { void processTimer(Timer timer); }interface 
KeyedSomeHandlerName<KEY, NAMESPACE> { void processKeyedTimer(KeyedTimer<KEY, 
NAMESPACE> timer, Context ctx); }class Timer { long getTimestamp();}class 
KeyedTimer<KEY, NAMESPACE> extends Timer { KEY getKey(); NAMESPACE 
getNamespace();}void Context {void executeAtScheduledTime(Consumer<timer> 
handler);}As Piotr has pointed out, if we could eliminate the logic of 
namespace, we could thenremove the namespace related type parameter and method 
from the interfaces.Do I understand right?Besides, I'm still fully got the 
reason that why we should not add the actions to the timer class, in 
consideration that it seems in most cases users could implement their logical 
with simply calling timer.trigger() (I think the repeat registration is indeed 
a problem, but I think we could ignore the timers registered during 
termination). Could you further enlighten me a bit on this part?Best,Yun 
Nowojski <pnowoj...@apache.org>Send Time:2022 Nov. 30 (Wed.) 17:10To:dev 
<dev@flink.apache.org>Subject:Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-269: Properly Handling the 
Processing Timers on Job TerminationHi,I have a couple of remarks.First a 
general one. For me the important part in the design of this API ishow to 
expose this to Flink users in public interfaces. NamelyProcessFunction and 
StreamOperator. InternalTimerService is an internalclass, so we can change it 
and break it as needed in the future.For registering a handler like proposed by 
Dawid:interface SomeHandlerName { void onTimer(/* whatever type it is */ timer, 
Context ctx ) { }}makes sense to me. For the InternalTimerService I think it 
doesn't mattertoo much what we do. We could provide a similar interface as for 
theProcessFunction/StreamOperator, it doesn't have to be the same one. On 
thecontrary, I think it shouldn't be the same, as part of this effort 
weshouldn't be exposing the concept of `Namespaces` to the public facing API.Re 
the "waitFor". Theoretically I see arguments why users might want to usethis, 
but I'm also not convinced whether that's necessary in practice. Iwould be +1 
either way. First version can be without this functionality andwe can add it 
later (given that we designed a good place to add it in thefuture, like the 
`Context` proposed by Dawid). But I'm also fine adding itnow if others are 
insisting.Best,Piotrekśr., 30 lis 2022 o 09:18 Dawid Wysakowicz 
WindowOperator is not implemented by users. I can see that 
forInternalTimerService we'll needinterface PendingTimerProcessor<KEY, 
NAMESPACE> {void onTimer(InternalTimer<KEY, NAMESPACE> timer) 
{doHandleTimer(timer);}I don't see a problem with that.As you said 
ProcessingTimeService is a user facing interface andcompletely unrelated to the 
InternalTimerService. I don't see a reasonwhy we'd need to unify those.As for 
the waitFor behaviour. Personally, I have not been convinced itis necessary. 
Maybe it's just my lack of vision, but I can't think of ascenario where I'd use 
it. Still if we need it, I'd go for something like:void onTimer(/* whatever 
type it is */ timer, Context ctx ) {}interface Context {void 
executeAtScheduledTime(Consumer<timer> handler);}That way you have independent 
simple interfaces that need to work onlyin a single well defined scenario and 
you don't need to match aninterface to multiple different cases.Best,DawidOn 
30/11/2022 07:27, Yun Gao wrote: 
Hi Dawid,Thanks for the comments!As a whole I'm also open to the API and I also 
prefer to use simplebut flexible interfaces, but it still looks there are some 
problem tojust let users to implement the termination actions.Let's take the 
WindowOperator as an example. As seen in [1],in the timer processing logic it 
needs to acquire the key / namespaceinformation bound to the timer (which is 
only supported by the 
Thus if we want users to implement the same logic on termination, we 
either let users 
to trigger the timer handler directly or we also allows users to access 
these piece of 
information. If we go with the later direction, we might need to provide 
interfaces like 
interface PendingTimerProcessor<KEY, NAMESPACE> {void onTimer(Timer<KEY, 
NAMESPACE> timer) {doHandleTimer(timer);}}class Timer<KEY, NAMESPACE> {long 
getTimestamp();KEY getKey();NAMESPACE getNamespace();}Then we'll have the issue 
that since we need the interface to handle 
both of cases of 
InternalTimerSerivce and raw ProcessTimeService, the later do not have 
key and 
namespace information attached, and its also be a bit inconsistency for 
users to have to set 
the KEY and NAMESPACE types.Besides, it looks to me that if we want to 
implement behaviors like 
waiting for, it might 
be not simply reuse the time handler time, then it requires every 
operator authors to 
re-implement such waiting logics. 
Moreover it still have the downside that if you call back to the  
`onTimer` method after  
`trigger` you have access to the Context which lets you register new  
I think we could simply drop the timers registered during we start 
processing the pending timers 
on termination. Logically there should be no new data after termination. 
I think I am not convinced to these arguments. First of all I'm afraid  
there is no clear distinction  
in that area what is runtime and what is not. I always found  
`AbstracStreamOperator(*)` actually part  
of runtime or Flink's internals and thus I don't find  
`InternalTimerService` a utility, but a vital part  
of the system. Let's be honest it is impossible to implement an  
operator without extending from  
`AbstractStreamOperator*`.What would be the problem with having a  
proper implementation in  
`InternalTimerService`? Can't we do it like this?: 
I think the original paragraph is only explanation to that the interface 
is harder to support if we 
allows the users to implement the arbitrary logic. But since now we are 
at the page with the callback 
option, users could always be allowed to implement arbitrary logic no 
matter we support timer.trigger() 
or not, thus I think now there is no divergence on this point. I also 
believe in we'll finally have some logic 
similar to the proposed one that drain all the times and process it.Best,Yun 
Wysakowicz <dwysakow...@apache.org>Send Time:2022 Nov. 28 (Mon.) 23:33To:dev 
<dev@flink.apache.org>Subject:Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-269: Properly Handling the 
Processing Timers 
on Job Termination 
Do we really need to have separate methods for 
triggering/waiting/cancelling. To me it sounds rather counterintuitive. 
Whycan't users just execute whatever they want in the handler itself insteadof 
additional back and forth with the system? Moreover it still have thedownside 
that if you call back to the `onTimer` method after `trigger` youhave access to 
the Context which lets you register new timers. 
I find following approach much simpler:void onTimer(...) 
{doHandleTimer(timestamp);}void processPendingTimer(...) {// 
triggerdoHandleTimer(timestamp);// for cancel, simply do nothing...}Sorry I 
might not make it very clear here. I think the difficulty with 
supported setting the currentKey is a special issue for the callbackoptions (no 
matter what the interface is) since it allows users to executelogic other than 
the one registered with the timers. The complexity comesfrom that currently we 
have two level of TimerServices: TheProcessingTimerService (there is no key) 
and InternalTimerService (withkey). Currently only ProcessingTimerService is 
exposed to the runtime andInternalTimerService is much more a utility to 
implement the operator. Thenwith the current code, the runtime could only 
access toProcessingTimerService on termination. 
I think I am not convinced to these arguments. First of all I'm afraid 
there is no clear distinction in that area what is runtime and what is not.I 
always found `AbstracStreamOperator(*)` actually part of runtime orFlink's 
internals and thus I don't find `InternalTimerService` a utility,but a vital 
part of the system. Let's be honest it is impossible toimplement an operator 
without extending from `AbstractStreamOperator*`. 
What would be the problem with having a proper implementation in 
`InternalTimerService`? Can't we do it like this?: 
{internalTimerService.finish();}InternalTimerService#finish() {while ((timer = 
processingTimeTimersQueue.peek()) != null) 
 we only executes some predefined actions, we do not need to worry 
about the implementation of InternalTimerService and just execute theregistered 
timers. But if we allow users to execute arbitrary logic, weneed to be also 
aware of the InternalTimerServices and parse the key fromthe timers stored in 
it. I think we should always have method to overcomethis issue, but to support 
the callback options would be more complex. 
I am not sure, having "predefined actions" would be good enough that we 
do not need to set a key. As a user I'd anyhow expect the proper key to beset 
in processPendingTimer. 
Best,DawidOn 24/11/2022 08:51, Yun Gao wrote:Hi Piotr / Divye, Very thanks for 
the discussion! First IMO it seems we 
have reached the consensus on the high-level API: Most operators shouldusually 
have only one reasonable action to the pending timers ontermination, thus we 
could let the operators to implement its own actionswith the low-level 
interface provided. The only exception is theProcessFunction, with which users 
might register customized timers, thususers might also defines the actions on 
termination (If I havemisunderstandings here, please correct me). For the 
low-level API, I couldget the benefits with the callback options: since in most 
cases an operatorhas only one action to all the timers, its a waste for us to 
store the sameflag for all the timers, also with a lot of code / state format 
changes.But since it is enough for most users to simply trigger / cacnel 
thetimers, it would be redundant for users to implement the logic twice. 
Thusperhaps we might combine the benefits of the two options: We might have 
aseparate interface public interface TimerHandlersOnTermination { 
voidprocessPendingTimer(Timer timer, long currentTime); } public class Timer 
{long getRegisteredTimestamp(); void trigger(); void waitFor(); voidcancel(); } 
Then if an operator have implemented theTimerHandlersOnTermination interface, 
on termination we could callprocessPendingTimer(xx) for every pending timers. 
Users might simplytrigger / waitFor / cancel it, or execute some other logics 
if needed. Thenfor the ProcessFunction we might have a similar interface 
toprocessPendingTimer, except we might need to provide Context / Collector 
tothe ProcessFunction. Do you think this would be a good direction? Also@Piotr 
I don't see a problem here. Interface doesn't have to reflect that,only the 
runtime must set the correct key context before executing thehandler dealing 
with the processing time timers at the end of input/time.Sorry I might not make 
it very clear here. I think the difficulty withsupported setting the currentKey 
is a special issue for the callbackoptions (no matter what the interface is) 
since it allows users to executelogic other than the one registered with the 
timers. The complexity comesfrom that currently we have two level of 
TimerServices: TheProcessingTimerService (there is no key) and 
InternalTimerService (withkey). Currently only ProcessingTimerService is 
exposed to the runtime andInternalTimerService is much more a utility to 
implement the operator. Thenwith the current code, the runtime could only 
access toProcessingTimerService on termination. If we only executes some 
predefinedactions, we do not need to worry about the implementation 
ofInternalTimerService and just execute the registered timers. But if weallow 
users to execute arbitrary logic, we need to be also aware of 
theInternalTimerServices and parse the key from the timers stored in it. Ithink 
we should always have method to overcome this issue, but to supportthe callback 
options would be more complex. Best, Yun 
Kapoor <dkap...@pinterest.com.INVALID> <mailto:dkap...@pinterest.com.INVALID > 
Send Time:2022 Nov. 24 (Thu.) 08:50To:dev <dev@flink.apache.org> 
<mailto:dev@flink.apache.org > Cc:XenonDevelopment Team 
<xenon-...@pinterest.com> <mailto:xenon-...@pinterest.com 
Subject:Re: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-269: Properly Handling the Processing 
Timers on Job Termination Sounds good. Looks like we're on the same 
page.Thanks! Divye On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 2:41 AM Piotr Nowojski 
<pnowoj...@apache.org> <mailto:pnowoj...@apache.org > wrote: Hi Divye Ithink we 
are mostly on the same page. Just to clarify/rephrase: One thingto think about 
- on EOF “trigger immediately” will mean that theasynchronous wait timeout 
timers will also fire - which is undesirable Ididn't mean to fire all timers 
immediately in all of the built-inoperators. Just that each built-in operator 
can have a hard coded way(without a way for users to change it) to handle those 
timers. Windowedoperators would trigger the lingering timers (flush 
outputs),AsyncWaitOperator could just ignore them. The same way users could 
registerEOF timer handlers in the ProcessFunction as Dawid Wysakowicz proposed, 
we(as flink developers) could use the same mechanism to implement anybehaviour 
we want for the built-in operators. There should be no need toadd any separate 
mechanism. Best, Piotrek śr., 23 lis 2022 o 08:21 DivyeKapoor 
<dkap...@pinterest.com.invalid> <mailto:dkap...@pinterest.com.invalid > 
napisał(a): Thanks Yun/Piotrek, Somebrief comments inline below. On Tue, Nov 
22, 2022 at 1:37 AM Piotr Nowojski<pnowoj...@apache.org> 
<mailto:pnowoj...@apache.org > wrote: Hi, All inall I would agree with Dawid's 
proposal. +1 We can add the flexibility ofhow to deal with the timers in the 
low level API via adding a handler - ifsomeone needs to customize it, he will 
always have a workaround. Note aftergiving it more thought, I agree that 
registering some handlers is betterthan overloading the register timer method 
and modifying the timer's state.+1. At the same time, we can force the most 
sensible semantic that we thinkfor the couple of built-in operators, which 
should be prettystraightforward (either ignore the timers, or fire them at 
once). I agreethere might be some edge cases, that theoretically user might 
want to waitfor the timer to fire naturally, but: 1. I'm not sure how common 
inpractice this will be. If not at all, then why should we be complicatingthe 
API/system? That’s fair. However, the specifics are very importanthere. One 
thing to think about - on EOF “trigger immediately” will meanthat the 
asynchronous wait timeout timers will also fire - which isundesirable (because 
they are racing with the last async call). However,the issue is cleanly 
resolved by waiting for the timer to be canceled whenthe last event is 
processed. (“Wait for” case). Ignoring the timer has theleast justification. 
Registering the handler as per Dawid’s proposal andhaving that handler 
unregister the timers on EOF makes best sense. Thissolution also unifies the 
trigger immediately case as that handler canreregister the timers for early 
termination. The proposal: 1. Operatorreceives EOF 2. EOF timer handler 
triggers 3. EOF handler adjusts theregistered timers for early trigger or 
ignore. If wait-for behavior isdesired, timers are not changed. This is 
controlled in client code. 4.Operator waits for all timers to drain/trigger. 
(“Always”). There is nospecial handling for ignore/early trigger. 5. Operator 
allows job toproceed with shutdown. The only api change needed is an EOF 
handler. Theother agreement we need is that “Wait for” is the desired behavior 
inprocessing time and that processing time is fundamentally different fromevent 
time in this respect. (I have changed my thinking since the lastmail). 2. We 
can always expand the API in the future, and let the useroverride the default 
built-in behaviour of the operators via some setter onthe stream transformation 
(`SingleOutputStreamOperator`), or via somecustom API DSL style in each of the 
operators separately. This is notrequired. See above. Re forcing the same 
semantics for processing timetimers as for event time ones - this is tempting, 
but indeed I see apossibility that users need to adhere to some external 
constraints whenusing processing time. +1. As above, we should consider the 2 
casesfundamentally different in this area. Re: Yun - b) Another issue is 
thatwhat if users use timers with different termination actions in the 
sameoperator / UDF? For example, users use some kind of timeout (like 
throwsexception if some thing not happen after some other thing), and also 
somekind of window aggregation logic. In this case, without additional 
tags,users might not be able to distinguish which timer should be canceled 
andwhich time should be triggered ? as above. The EOF handler makes thechoice. 
4. How could these scenarios adjust their APIs ? From the currentlisted 
scenarios, I'm more tend to that as @Dawid pointed out, there mightbe only one 
expected behavior for each scenario, thus it does not seems toneed to allow 
users to adjust the behavior. Thus @Divye may I have a doubleconfirmation 
currently do we have explicit scenarios that is expected tochange the different 
behaviors for the same scenario? Wait-for behavior isprobably the only expected 
behavior and any alterations should be from theEOF handler managing the 
registered timers. Besides @Divye from the listedscenarios, I have another 
concern for global configuration is that for onejob, different operators seems 
to still might have different expectedbehaviors. For example, A job using both 
Window operator andAsyncWaitOperator might have different requirements for 
timers ontermination? Thank you for raising this case. This changed my 
thinking.Based on your point, we should try and align on the “Wait-for” with 
EOFhandler proposal. I’m withdrawing the “single-runtime-config” proposal.Best, 

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