If a proc time timer is set for 10s, the 10s are "real-time" and the delay is important. One particularly important example is "waiting" for other parts of the system to settle down. For example: Async operators where an async call writes data and waits for 10s seconds and then reads it back from a different service. If we don't wait for the timers to fire 10s later, it breaks the implicit guarantee of the operator.
Honestly, I don't get this point. Do you really run a production pipeline on a bounded data where you have "early" (or in general processing time driven) firings? Using processing timers on bounded data sounds really wrong to me, as there are no guarantees on the speed of data processing and what gets processed in the period of time.
Personally I really don't like the "WAIT_FOR_TIMERS" mode and delaying Job shutdown from within an operator as it in my opinion is a) unnecessary b) complicates the shutdown procedure.
The main benefit for me of `onEndOfInput` over having a flag in `OnTimerContext` is that you can not end in an infinite loop there as you don't have a way to register new timers. It also does not mix a really corner case (handling end of data) with regular logic (onTimer). Here I am happy to be convinced otherwise as long as we don't add any flags to `|registerProcessingTimeTimer`, |which would mean we need to modify the snapshot format.
Best, Dawid || On 19/11/2022 02:19, Divye Kapoor wrote:
Hi Folks, I raised the initial issue with Yun and others (apologies for the long email below, I promise it's worth the read). Speaking as someone who has hit this issue in a practical way, Dawid's first solution is the simplest and easiest way to fix the problem without introducing additional complexity. If we are to summarize the problem -- 1. EventTime jobs always have their windows fired on EOF. The window termination behavior is well defined wrt Timers and **consistent w/ Event time guarantees**. 2. ProcessingTime jobs have undefined behavior for Timers on EOF (they may execute, they may not execute or they may partly execute). There are no guarantees. As a consequence of (2), the last windows of a proc time job are thrown away. The minimal solution is to "fix" (2) by defining the behavior similar to (1) with no API changes. As Dawid said, this is a semantic change and I consider it similar to a "bug-fix". (From an implementation perspective, it would be waiting on a condition variable (wait indefinitely till timers.size() > 0) before termination). The main benefit/usecase is that it allows Minicluster integration tests for CEP operators will then work as intended. Today they are not possible / broken. (in a sense, it's a strict improvement because there is already an immediate pain that's being solved). As Lincoln said:I'd like to start with a question: Why are people not complaining ineventtime mode? +1 - because the behavior of timers is consistent with event time expectations. Timers will "fast-fire" because event time has moved to LONG_MAX.So what I'm trying to say is that if it's acceptable for everyone totrigger all untriggered eventtime timers directly when endOfInput in eventtime mode, why don't we keep the same behavior in `proctime` by default? because the behavior of timers in proc time needs to be consistent with proc time expectations. If a proc time timer is set for 10s, the 10s are "real-time" and the delay is important. One particularly important example is "waiting" for other parts of the system to settle down. For example: Async operators where an async call writes data and waits for 10s seconds and then reads it back from a different service. If we don't wait for the timers to fire 10s later, it breaks the implicit guarantee of the operator. We can work around this behavior but that's undesirable. When people are configuring timers, they should get exactly what they have asked for. Re: Dong's view:Since this FLIP can add quite some complexity to Flink, it will be reallyuseful to understand the concrete case-case for the proposed changes so that we can identify the approach with minimum extra complexity. +1. The concrete usecase hit multiple times by teams at Pinterest is that stateful (CEP) operators cannot be integ tested on the Minicluster (especially **Session windows in processing time**) because the job shuts down as soon as the source shuts down without generating the last session. This cannot be worked around even by sending dummy messages - a fully custom source would be required to artificially delay the EOF till the timers fire. This is generally too much effort and not scalable. From our perspective, it's a bug that a timer was registered but was not fired before job termination. Looking at the options proposed - I would suggest that we try and agree on the first part of Dawid's proposal - The first and most critical part is that we define the expected EOF behavior for proc time timers. For the reasons posted above, immediate triggering breaks proc time guarantees. (it is a desirable feature but it should not be the default). The default should be triggering Timers as per their schedule and terminate when there are no more timers to run. I hope that this portion of the discussion will end up being less controversial. The 2nd portion of the discussion is to consider - how can we enable the early triggering case without adding complexity. The simplest option is a config that toggles between the three termination behaviors (trigger on-time/immediately/cancel). I believe that we don't really have a viable 4th scenario. Re: Dawid's onEOF API - the main usecase of such an API is to stop timers from scheduling follow on timers by setting a flag / triggering a condition-variable. Extending the OnTimerContext <https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/api/java/org/apache/flink/streaming/api/functions/ProcessFunction.OnTimerContext.html> with a new flag - isEOF serves most of that purpose without a new API and vastly reduces the race conditions / thread safety problems (only 2 fns instead of 3). For this reason, I would suggest avoiding the onEOF part of Dawid's proposal. The last portion of the discussion is whether we should have the TimerTerminationAction be part of the API or just a config. I would propose that this be a config driven feature rather than an API driven feature, either jobs are going to wait for the longest timer to fire or they do not want to do that. There is no real middle ground. Having a special case where some timers fire early and others don't isn't really helping (because if we're composing jobs with operators written in different teams, the runtime behavior is being conflated with the business logic). For this reason - Yun - would you be amenable to modifying the FLIP so that it's runtime config driven only and has no API changes to the TimerService? Best, Divye On Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 7:06 AM Lincoln Lee<lincoln.8...@gmail.com> wrote:Hi all, Sorry for the late jump in this thread. I agree with dawid that we should discuss api changes from the perspective of proper endOfInput semantics, and I understand the motivation for this api change and that it should make sense for potential user scenarios. As a table/sql layer developer, I would also like to share some thoughts and inputs(please correct me if my understanding is wrong): I'd like to start with a question: Why are people not complaining in eventtime mode? Everyone seems to accept the behavior that in eventtime mode, when bounded source ends, the system issues a LONG.MAX watermark from source, and then all eventtime timers in downstream operators are in fact triggered once, like a window operator, even though it seems window is not finished (events does not fill the expected window size), but it is finished (including the sql layer operators, which also force the window to close and outputs an 'incomplete' result) Secondly, what exactly does endofinput mean for a bounded source? I think it represents the permanent end of the source, without any chance of continuation in the future. If we can agree on this clear semantics, then let's see if there is a fundamental difference between `proctime` vs `eventime`? I think proctime should be simpler (from the sql perspective, `proctime` has no stricter semantics than `eventime`) So what I'm trying to say is that if it's acceptable for everyone to trigger all untriggered eventtime timers directly when endOfInput in eventtime mode, why don't we keep the same behavior in `proctime` by default? Finally, we can discuss in which user scenarios this default system behavior may not be satisfied and needs to be extended, which I think may push this discussion more smoothly. Some additional input, current dependencies of sql layer operators on proctime timer: The three types of operators I have seen so far are essentially the window type, include interval join, over window, and group window, which do nothing in the close phase for current implementation(and do not implement the finish method), and the computation only relies on the watermark trigger. If the underlying processing of watermark is unified on `eventtime` and `proctime`, then the sql layer operators will also benefit and maintain consistent behaviors. Best, Lincoln Lee Dong Lin<lindon...@gmail.com> 于2022年11月15日周二 17:48写道:Thank you Yun for the detailed explanation! Since this FLIP can add quite some complexity to Flink, it will be really useful to understand the concrete case-case for the proposed changes so that we can identify the approach with minimum extra complexity. We can probably continue the discussion after the FLIP is updated with the use-cases. Please see my comments inline. On Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 4:18 PM Yun Gao<yungao...@aliyun.com.invalid> wrote:Hi Dong, Very thanks for the discussion!It appears that the issues mentioned in the motivation section are all related to using Windows on the DataStream API, where the user's code typically does not have anything to do with Timer.IMO it might not only bounded to the case of window operators. For examples, users might implements some complex aggregation logic with ProcessFunction directly. In this case, users might also want to control how these times are dealt at the end of the stream.IMO, the main benefit of this alternative solution is that it is more consistent with the existing Windows API. Users who are concerned with firing windows on end-of-stream won't need to additionally understand/handle timer.First to summary the problem, currently it could be divided into two layers: 1. In the lower layer we need to support different actions to deal with the timers at the end of the stream (though in fact we need to deduct whether we need this ability from the api, but for simplicity I'llfirstdescribe this layer since the divergency happen in the higher level). 2. How we let users to specify the actions at the end of the timer? Currently we have different options on this layer. - The first option is to have a unified SingleOperatorStream# setTimerTerminationAction. - The second option is to have a specialized trigger for the window. With whichever interface, in the window operator need to set proper termination actions according to the specified semantics whenregisteringtimers. On the other side, specially to the WindowOperator, the interface might not only related to the timers, there are also window types, e.g.CountWindow,that also need to specify the behavior at the end of stream. Therefore, for window operators it looks to me it would be indeed more friendly to users to have a uniform API. Since different operators might have different situations, I wonder it would be better if we first: 1. The operator authors could still set the default actions when registering timers. 2. Each operator consider its API distinctly. - Window operator provides a uniform API. - Except for window, Currently it looks to me that users couldregistercustomized timers only with the family of ProcessFunctions. Users could still set actions for each timer, and we may first only provide a method for ProcessOperatortochange the per-timer actions uniformly when building the DAG?we need the task thread to be blocked until the timer gets triggeredonthe registered timepoint.Currently I do not have real-life scenarios, but some authenticatedcasesare - Users want the job stopped at the boundary of windows when stoppingthejob with savepoint --drain.Hmm... I guess you mean the processing time window in this scenario. Itisnot clear to me why users would want to block waiting for wallclock timetopass instead of stopping the job immediately.. - Users have timers to emit message to external systems periodically, andusers want to have one finalize message at the end of stream.IMO, an alternative solution for this use-case is to allow users tospecifywhat to do at the end of the input, rather than specifying what to dowithtimers at the end of time.But I also think we could add more actions step-by-step.I might have missed use-cases for this FLIP which do not involvewindows.If so, could you help explain the use-case in this FLIP?I'll complete the scenarios in the FLIP.Great! I am looking forward to understanding more about the use-cases.Best, Yun Gao ------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Dong Lin<lindon...@gmail.com> Send Time:2022 Nov. 10 (Thu.) 11:43 To:dev<dev@flink.apache.org> Cc:Maximilian Michels<m...@apache.org> Subject:Re: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-269: Properly Handling the Processing Timers on Job Termination Hi Piotr, I also think the scenario mentioned in this FLIP is useful to address.Iamhappy to discuss this together and figure out the more usable APIs. I guess the choice of API pretty much depends on when users need to useit.I am assuming it is needed when using dataStream.window(...). Is thereanyother case that needs this feature? It is mentioned in FLINK-18647 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18647> < https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18647> > that we need thetaskthread to be blocked until the timer gets triggered on the registeredtimepoint. The JIRA and the FLIP do not seem to provide the use-case forthisfeature. Could you explain more about the use-cases that might needthisfeature? What do you think of the alternative API vs. the approach proposed intheFLIP? Maybe we can continue the discussion by detailing the pros/cons. Best, Dong On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 4:35 PM Piotr Nowojski<pnowoj...@apache.org> wrote:Hi all, Big thanks to Yun Gao for driving this!I wonder whether we need to add a new option when registeringtimers.Won'tit be sufficient to flush all pending timers on termination but notallownew ones to be registered?Maximilian, I'm sure that single semantics is not enough. All threethatare proposed here (cancel, wait, trigger immediately) were requestedbyusers. Dong, as I initially wrote in the above-mentioned ticket [1] I'mpersonallyopen to discussions about the final shape of the API. Best, Piotrek [1]https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18647 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18647 >wt., 8 lis 2022 o 03:42 Yun Gao<yungao...@aliyun.com.invalid>napisał(a):Hi Maximilian, Thanks for the discussion! It seems there are still other kinds of scenarios that could not be flushed, like scenarios like "emit record X ifrecord Yhasn't arrived within 30 seconds after record Z" or "fails the job if the external system does not response in 30 seconds", these timers seems should bedroppedinstead of triggering. Thus we think it would be necessary to provideper-timerconfiguration. Best, Yun Gao ------------------Original Mail ------------------ Sender:Maximilian Michels<m...@apache.org> Send Date:Fri Nov 4 21:35:58 2022 Recipients:Flink Dev<dev@flink.apache.org>, Yun Gao <yungao...@aliyun.comSubject:Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-269: Properly Handling the ProcessingTimersonJob Termination Hey Yun, I wonder whether we need to add a new option when registeringtimers.Won'tit be sufficient to flush all pending timers on termination but notallownew ones to be registered? -Max On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 11:20 AM Yun Gao<yungao...@aliyun.com.invalidwrote:Hi everyone, I would like to open a discussion[1] on how to properly handle the processing timers on job termination. Currently all the processing timers would be ignored on job termination. This behavior is not suitable for some cases like WindowOperator. Thus we'd like to provide more options for how to deal with the pending times on job termination, and provide correct semantics on bounded stream for these scenarios. The FLIP is based on the previous discussion with Piotr and Divye in [2]. [1]https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-269%3A+Properly+Handling+the+Processing+Timers+on+Job+Termination<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-269%3A+Properly+Handling+the+Processing+Timers+on+Job+Termination<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-269%3A+Properly+Handling+the+Processing+Timers+on+Job+Termination<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-269%3A+Properly+Handling+the+Processing+Timers+on+Job+Termination[2]https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18647 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18647 > <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18647 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18647 > >
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