Thank you for reviewing FLIP-255.

That indeed is a typo. I will correct it immediately.


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????????:&nbsp;2022??8??2??(??????) ????11:09

????:&nbsp;Re: [Phishing Risk] [External] [DISCUSS] FLIP-255 Introduce 
pre-aggregated merge to Table Store

Hi Nathan,

Seems a great proposal for table store aggregation.
In the example, I think the 'max_field1' should be 1 instead of 2 after the max 
aggregation in the output result. 
And there may be a minor typo in the WITH clause, 'max_field2' -&gt; 


From: "Hannan Kan"<;
Date:  Mon, Aug 1, 2022, 11:35 PM
Subject:  [Phishing Risk] [External] [DISCUSS] FLIP-255 Introduce 
pre-aggregated merge to Table Store
To: "dev"<;
Cc: "lzljs3620320"<;

Hi everyone, I would like to open a discussion on&amp;nbsp;FLIP-255 Introduce 
pre-aggregated merge to table store&amp;nbsp;[1]. Pre-aggregation mechanism has 
been adopted by ma?6?7ny bi?6?7g d?6?7ata system?6?7?6?7s (such as Apache 
Doris,?6?7&amp;nbsp; Apache Kylin?6?7 , Druid etc.)&amp;nbsp;to save storage 
and accelerate the aggregate query.?6?7 FLIP-255 proposes to introduce 
pre-aggregated merge into Flink Table Store to acquire the same 
benefit.&amp;nbsp; ?6?7Supported aggregate functions include&amp;nbsp;sum, 
max/min, count, replace_if_not_null, replace,&amp;nbsp; concatenate, 
or/and?6?7. ?6?7 Looking forward to your feedback. 
 Best, Nathan Kan (?6?7Hongnan Gan)?6?7?6?7?6?7

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