Hi Matyas,

Thanks for the feedback, and yes I agree. An alternative approach would instead 

- 2 API calls only when jobID is not available (i.e when submitting a new 
application cluster, which is a one-off event).
- 1 API call when jobID is already available by directly calling "/jobs/:jobid".

With this approach, we can keep the API call to 1 in most cases.


On 11/07/2022, 14:44, "Őrhidi Mátyás" <matyas.orh...@gmail.com> wrote:

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    Hi Daren,

    At the moment the Operator fetches the job state via
    which contains the 'end-time' and 'duration' fields already. I feel calling
    after the previous call for every job in every reconcile loop would be too


    On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 3:17 PM WONG, DAREN <daren...@amazon.co.uk.invalid>

    > Hi everyone, I am Daren from AWS Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA) team. I had
    > a quick chat with Gyula as I propose to include a few additional fields in
    > the jobStatus CRD for Flink Kubernetes Operator such as:
    > - endTime
    > - duration
    > - jobPlan
    > Further details of each states can be found here<
    > Although addition of these 3 states stem from an internal requirement, I
    > think they would be beneficial to others who uses these states in their
    > application as well. The list of states above are not exhaustive, so do 
    > me know if there are other states that you would like to include together
    > in this iteration cycle.
    > JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-28494

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