Hi everyone, I would like to give you a brief update of the Flink 1.16 release sync meeting of 2022-06-14.
At this moment, 3 features have been completed for this release and 41 features are still expected to make it. We have 6 more weeks remaining until the release branch is cut (at the end of July). We are still missing the status of 16 features at the moment. I would like to ask all the contributors/maintainers to update the status for those and keep updating it before every release sync. We currently have two blocker tickets that are being worked on. Many thanks to these contributors. Next to that, we also have a substantial amount of Critical test stability tickets. Some of those are already picked up, but there are also numerous tickets that are not yet picked up. Getting the CI stable is extremely important to get the release done smoothly. Your help is much appreciated. As always, you can find all Flink 1.16 release information and the mentioned information/issues on at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/1.16+Release The next Flink release sync will be on Tuesday the 28th of June at 9am CEST / 3pm China Standard Time / 7am UTC. The link can also be found on the first page. On behalf of all the release managers, best regards, Martijn Visser https://twitter.com/MartijnVisser82 https://github.com/MartijnVisser