Hi Godfrey,

Thanks a lot for your inputs!

'SHOW QUERIES' lists all jobs in the cluster, no limit on APIs (DataStream or 
SQL) or 
clients (SQL client or CLI). Under the hook, it’s based on 
ClusterClient#listJobs, the 
same with Flink CLI. I think it’s okay to have non-SQL jobs listed in SQL 
client, because
these jobs can be managed via SQL client too.

WRT finished time, I think you’re right. Adding it to the FLIP. But I’m a bit 
afraid that the
rows would be too long.

> What's the behavior for batch jobs and the non-running jobs?

In general, the behavior would be aligned with Flink CLI. Triggering a 
savepoint for 
a non-running job would cause errors, and the error message would be printed to
the SQL client. Triggering a savepoint for batch(unbounded) jobs in streaming
execution mode would be the same with streaming jobs. However, for batch jobs 
batch execution mode, I think there would be an error, because batch execution
doesn’t support checkpoints currently (please correct me if I’m wrong).

WRT ’SHOW SAVEPOINTS’, I’ve thought about it, but Flink clusterClient/
jobClient doesn’t have such a functionality at the moment, neither do Flink CLI.
Maybe we could make it a follow-up FLIP, which includes the modifications to 
clusterClient/jobClient and Flink CLI. WDYT?

Paul Lam

> 2022年5月17日 20:34,godfrey he <godfre...@gmail.com> 写道:
> Godfrey

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