Hi, Jark, Timo. Nice to have an agreement! Thanks for Jark's inputs about the multiple version Flink. I have already updated the FLIP in the rejected alternatives about details.
1. We should definitely just use LogicalTypeJsonSerializer and not a second JSON representation. Our concern is mainly that it's hard for users to use because of the flexible structure. The LogicalTypeJsonSerializer will serialize the VARCHAR to "VARCHAR(<LENGTH>)" or "{\"TYPE\": \"VARCHAR\", \"LENGTH\": 0}", which requires the end users to process the different situations. But in some cases, users just print the json to the terminal/web UI. WDYT? > Serialize the RowData Sure. I will keep your advice in mind. I think the current serialization of the RowData will not use the column name as the Object key in the json. I am not sure whether I missed something. It would be nice if you can give me an example if I do something wrong. > Have you also thought about using Flink's state types from Flink tasks/jobs? Yes. But I still think we should use a new state machine. First of all, Operation in the FLIP is much different from the Job. Operations include DDL, DML and so on. So it's not suitable to use the small concept to replace the big concept. Actually some status in the JobStatus, e.g. RESTARTING/SUSPENDED/RECONCILING don't work in the DDL Operation. On the other hand, the Gateway allows users to submit jobs(DML) in sync/async mode. The running status in the Operation Status in the different mode has different meaning: - In the async mode, when the gateway submits the job, the state comes to the FINISHED state - In the sync mode, the running status in the Operation status includes submitting the job, running job. Even if a failover occurs, we still think that this Operation is in the RUNNING state. Unless the job is unrecoverable, we change the Operation status to ERROR. Therefore, I think these two concepts are not consistent and we should not reuse the JobStatus. I add a section in the rejected alternatives. > Options to configure the REST endpoint Yes. I have modified the FLIP about this. > Naming conversion Yes. I have modified the FLIP with your suggestions. > Another smaller shortcomings in the FLIP >> SQLGatewayService.getFunction / UserDefinedFunctionInfo After reviewing the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getFunctions's java doc, I find it will return the system and user functions available in the Catalog. I think you are right. Therefore, we'd better to rename to the listFunctions(SessionHandle sessionHandle, OperationHandle operationHandle, String catalog, String database, ShowFunctionsOperation.FunctionScope) and it returns FunctionInfo. >> SQLGatewayService.getGatewayInfo()/getSessionConfig The result of the SQLGatewayService.getGatewayInfo and getSessionConfig is not used by the endpoint. The endpoint just serializes the result and presents it to the users. If we use the ReadableConfig, it's hard for us to iterate all the key value pairs. > configure_session VS initialize_session >> If calling it initialize_session, should we limit it only being called once? If we limit it only being called once, it allows the input of the initialize_session script. But the current design in the Gateway is aligned with the TableEnvironment#executeSql. That is, the input of the statement is a single statement rather than the script. Considering the API in the FLIP is not as same as the initialization in the CLI, I think we can use the configure_session? What do you think, Timo? Best, Shengkai Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> 于2022年5月16日周一 14:28写道: > Hi Shengkai, Hi Jark, > > thanks for the additional explanation and the update of the FLIP. This > will help us in the future for documenting our decisions. The arguments > why to include the Gateway into the main repo make a lot of sense to me. > Esp. also because both CLI and gateway need some parsing functionality > that is dependent on the current state of the SQL syntax. > > Here is my last set of feedback, other than that +1 for the proposal: > > Serialize the LogicalType > > The FLIP mentions LogicalTypeJsonSerializer but the shown JSON is > different from the current master. We are using the serializable > representation of LogicalType as much as possible nowadays. We should > definitely just use LogicalTypeJsonSerializer and not a second JSON > representation. > > 1) Serialize the RowData > > Side note for serializing ROWs: we should not use field names in JSON > object keys. As e.g. `null` and other names with special characters > cause issues in JSON. > > 2) We propose the state machine like HiveServer2 > > Have you also thought about using Flink's state types from Flink > tasks/jobs? If we were using Flink types directly, it would be easier to > monitor the execution of a INSERT INTO job via the gateway without > having to map state types. Monitoring jobs is the most important > functionality and should be in sync with regular Flink job monitoring. A > HiveServer2 endpoint can still perform mapping if necessary, but within > the Flink code base we use a consistent state transition scheme. > > 3) Options to configure the REST endpoint > > Given that we also want to be able to put endpoint options into > flink-conf.yaml, we should make those option a bit more globally > understandable: > > endpoint.type -> sql-gateway.endpoint.type > endpoint.rest.port -> sql-gateway.endpoint.rest.port > ... > > 4) Naming conversion > > This is very nit picking, but please make sure to name the interfaces > consistently for abbreviations. Currently, we mostly use `SqlInterface` > instead of `SQLInterface`. So in the FLIP: > > SQLGatewayEndpoint -> SqlGatewayEndpoint > SQLGatewayEndpointFactory -> SqlGatewayEndpointFactory > e.g. for REST we do it already: RestEndpointVersion > > 5) Another smaller shortcomings in the FLIP > > SQLGatewayService.getFunction / UserDefinedFunctionInfo > Was it a conscious decision to not use FunctionIdentifier here? You will > not be able to list system functions. > > SQLGatewayService.getGatewayInfo()/getSessionConfig > Why not returning ReadableConfig here? > > Thanks, > Timo > > > > > On 12.05.22 17:02, Jark Wu wrote: > > Hi Shengkai, > > > > One comment on the configure_session VS initialize_session, > > I think configure_session is better than initialize_session, > > because "initialize" sounds like this method can only be invoked once. > > But I can see this method is useful to be invoked several times to > > configure > > the session during the lifecycle of a session. If calling it > > initialize_session, > > should we limit it only be called once? > > > > Best, > > Jark > > > > > > > > On Thu, 12 May 2022 at 22:38, Jark Wu <imj...@gmail.com > > <mailto:imj...@gmail.com>> wrote: > > > > Hi Timo, > > > > I agree with Shengkai that we should keep Gateway in the Flink main > > repo. > > Here are my thoughts: > > > > 1) It is not feasible and maintainable to invoke different versions > > of Flink dependencies > > in one JVM. I'm afraid it would be a nightmare when the code is > > messed up with all the reflections. > > > > 2) Actually, it's very mature to support submitting multi-version by > > deploying one > > gateway process for one version. Many systems are following this > > architecture as Shengkai > > mentioned above, including the Ververica Platform. And I don't see > > any problem with it. > > > > 3) As Jingsong said, SQL CLI should build on top of Gateway to share > > code and have the ability to > > connect to Gateway. If SQL CLI is still kept in the Flink repo, we > > have to put Gateway there as well. > > > > 4) Besides, Gateway is indispensable for a SQL engine (think of > > Trino/Presto, Spark, Hive). > > Otherwise, Flink will always be a processing system. With Gateway > > inside the Flink repo, > > we can provide an out-of-box experience as a SQL query engine. Users > > can try out the gateway > > for the latest version when a new version is released. > > > > 5) Last, Gateway inside the Flink repo can ensure the highest degree > > of version compatibility. > > > > Best, > > Jark > > > > > > On Thu, 12 May 2022 at 19:19, Shengkai Fang <fskm...@gmail.com > > <mailto:fskm...@gmail.com>> wrote: > > > > Hi Timo. > > > > Thanks for your feedback! > > > > > It would be great if you can copy/paste some of the tricky > design > > decisions into the FLIP. > > > > Yes. I have already added a section about the `Rejected > > Alternatives`. It > > includes the discuss about the > > - TableInfo and FunctionInfo VS CatalogTable and CatalogFunction > > - Support the multi-version Flink in the Gateway VS Support the > > multi-version in the external Service > > - Merge Gateway into the Flink code base VS Support Gateway in > > the another > > repo > > ... > > > > > > > Separate code base > > > > Let me summarize all the discussion about the separate code > > base. Please > > correct me if anything is wrong. > > > > > > About support for the Gateway in the Flink code base. > > > > > > 1. It reduces the cost including tests, release and document. We > > don't need > > to upgrade the Gateway when Flink releases. > > 2. The SQL Client has the ability to submit the SQL to the > > Gateway. If we > > move the Gateway to the outside repo, the SQL Client doesn't > > have the > > related dependencies. > > 3. It is benefit for us to reuse code in the same repo. > > > > About supporting the Gateway in another repo. > > > > 1. It is easier to support the multi-version Flink; > > > > > > First of all, I think we should support the multiple Flink > > version with > > another component that uses the Gateway from the individual > > Flink releases. > > Zeppelin, Livy, and Kyuubi all use similar architecture. > > > > The current Gateway in the FLIP is bound to the specific Flink > > version, > > which needs to compile the SQL and submit the job to the cluster > > with the > > specified Flink version. > > We can introduce a service in the future(Maybe we can name it > > MultipleVersionFlinkService? ). It may tell the client where the > > Gateway > > with specified version is and the client just communicate with > > the Gateway > > later. It may also just parse the request, convert the request > > to the REST > > API in the FLIP and send to the Gateway with specified version. > > > > Therefore, I think we should merge the SQL Gateway inside the > > Flink repo. > > The MultipleVersionFlinkService may be inside or outside the > repo. > > > > I add more details in the `Rejected Alternatives` in the FLIP. > > > > > Missing REST API spec > > > > Good point! I add a section in the `Appendix` about the > > serialization of > > the ResultSet. It includes how to serialize the schema, RowData > and > > exceptions. > > > > > Consistency of concepts > > > > configure_session VS initialize_session > > > > Okay. I think it's better to use the initialize_session. > > > > TableInfo + UserDefinedFunctionInfo VS CatalogTable and > > CatalogFunction > > > > The CatalogTable and CatalogFunction are much heavier than the > > TableInfo > > and UserDefinedFunction. The CatalogManager requires reading > > from the > > Catalog to get the schema. But in the listTables only care about > > the table > > name, which is much lighter. Therefore, we propose to use the > > TableInfo > > with required fields. > > > > > Result Retrieval > > > > Yes. Currently the API is only used for the preview. I added a > > section in > > the `Rejected Alternatives` about this. > > > > Best, > > Shengkai > > > >