Hi, Jark. Thanks for your review. <br/>&gt;Join Hint is a public API for SQL 
syntax. It should work for both streaming and batch SQL.<br/>I agree with your 
opinion. But currently, only in batch the optimizer has different Join 
strategies for Join and there is no choice of join strategies in the stream. 
The join hints listed in the current flip should be ignored (maybe can be 
warned) in streaming mode.  When in the future the stream mode has the choice 
of join strategies, I think that's a good time to discuss that the join hint 
can affect the streaming SQL.<br/><br/>&gt;Besides that, could you move your 
design docs into the wiki?<br/>Thanks for your reminder, I have moved the 
content from doc to the wiki.
At 2022-05-07 12:46:18, "Jark Wu" <imj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Xuyang,
>Thanks for starting this discussion. Join Hint is a long-time requested
>I have briefly gone through the design doc. Join Hint is a public API for
>SQL syntax.
>It should work for both streaming and batch SQL. I understand some special
>may only work for batch SQL. Could you demonstrate how the hints affect
>stream SQL as well?
>Besides that, could you move your design docs into the wiki?
>Google docs are usually used for offline discussion.
>The discussion on google docs is not very visible to the community.
>So we would like to move designs to the wiki and move discussions to the
>mailing list.
>On Fri, 6 May 2022 at 11:07, Xuyang <xyzhong...@163.com> wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>>     I want to start a discussion about the FLIP-229: Introduces Join Hint
>> for Flink SQL Batch Job(The cwiki[1] is not ready completely but you can
>> see the whole details in docs[2]).
>> Join Hint is a common solution in many popular computing engines and DBs
>> to improve the shortcomings of the optimizer by intervening in optimizing
>> the plan. By Join Hint, users can intervene in the selection of the join
>> strategy in optimizer, and manually optimize the execution plan to improve
>> the performance of the query.
>>     In this FLIP, we propose some join hints by the existing join
>> strategies in Flink SQL for Batch job.
>> I'm look forward to your feedback about FLIP-229.
>> --
>>     Best!
>>     Xuyang
>> [1]
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-229%3A+Introduces+Join+Hint+for+Flink+SQL+Batch+Job
>> [2]
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IL00ME0Z0nlXGDWTUPODobVQMAm94PAPr9pw9EdGkoQ/edit?usp=sharing

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