Igal Shilman created FLINK-25752: ------------------------------------ Summary: Create a migration e2e test Key: FLINK-25752 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-25752 Project: Flink Issue Type: Improvement Components: Stateful Functions Reporter: Igal Shilman
A separate e2e migration test is needed that verifies that a save point taken with prior statefun versions is successfully opened in the current version. We need this test to run within its own migration profile, that includes at least a Kafka ingress/egress pair. It can be completely based remote functions, without any verification/failure injection aspects to it, and this probably should be based on {{testcontainers}} instead of the harness. having test containers will allows the test to create a save point in an arbitrary previous version (say 3.1.1) based on the previously released official docker images, and load it with the current version. The test would be bit more time consuming, and that's why I would recommend that to run under a different profile. -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.1#820001)