Hi Yunfeng, Thanks for creating the FLIP. I don't see any mention of SQL's MATCH_RECOGNIZE implementation in the FLIP and I think that any change in CEP should be available to both DataStream and SQL/Table API users. Can you elaborate on that?
Best regards, Martijn On Fri, 10 Dec 2021 at 12:16, Yunfeng Zhou <flink.zhouyunf...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm opening this thread to propose the design to support multiple rule & > dynamic rule changing in the Flink-CEP project, as described in FLIP-200 > [1] > . > > Currently Flink CEP only supports having a single pattern inside a > CepOperator and does not support changing the pattern dynamically. In order > to reduce resource consumption and to experience shorter downtime during > pattern updates, there is a growing need in the production environment that > expects CEP to support having multiple patterns in one operator and to > support dynamically changing them. Therefore I propose to add certain > infrastructure as described in FLIP-200 to support these functionalities. > > Please feel free to reply to this email thread. Looking forward to your > feedback! > > [1] > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=195730308 > > Best regards, > > Yunfeng >