
after recent discussions on the dev <https://lists.apache.org/thread/0fwo7nwzy51gck4vxhyfnbnttd4jycpx> and user <https://lists.apache.org/thread/2jnj5xrokphxhokpo5w3p6w7z0pkl9gx> mailing list to deprecate Java 8 support, with a general consensus in favor of it, I would now like tod o a formal vote.

The deprecation would entail a notification to our users to encourage migrating to Java 11, and various efforts on our side to prepare a migration to Java 11, like updating some e2e tests to actually run on Java 11, performance benchmarking etc. .

There is no set date for the removal of Java 8 support.

We'll use the usual minimum 72h vote duration, with committers having binding votes.

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