Hi everyone,

I'm happy to announce now that we finished this test and it has been merged
(thanks to Chesnay for his help here). You can also find some documentation
for it here[1].
I haven't implemented all of the suggested rules, but we can of course
expand our checks here. The current rules show already quite a few
violations, some of which I will be going through in the next weeks. They
range from trivial fixes to things that need to be thought about.



On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 11:03 AM Ingo Bürk <i...@ververica.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I would like to start a discussion on introducing automated tests for more
> architectural rather than stilistic topics. For example, here are a few
> things that seem worth checking to me (this is Table-API-focused since it
> is the subsystem I'm involved in):
> (a) All classes in o.a.f.table.api should be annotated with one
> of @Internal, @PublicEvolving, or @Public.
> (b) Classes whose name ends in *ConnectorOptions should be located in
> o.a.f.connector.*.table
> (c) Classes implementing DynamicSourceFactory / DynamicSinkFactory should
> have no static members of type ConfigOption
> There are probably significantly more cases worth checking, and also more
> involved ones (these are rather simple examples), like disallowing access
> between certain packages etc. There are two questions I would like to ask
> to the community:
> (1) Do you think such tests are useful in general?
> (2) What use cases come to mind for you?
> If the idea finds consensus, I would like to use (2) to investigate which
> tooling to use. An obvious candidate is Checkstyle, as this is already
> used. It also has the advantage of being well integrated in the IDE.
> However, it is limited to looking at single files only, and custom checks
> are pretty complicated and involved to implement[1]. Another possible tool
> is ArchUnit[2], which would be significantly easier to maintain and is more
> powerful, but in turn requires tests to be executed. If you have further
> suggestions (or thoughts) they would of course also be quite welcome,
> though for now I would focus on (1) and (2) and go from there to evaluate.
> [1] https://checkstyle.sourceforge.io/writingchecks.html
> [2] https://www.archunit.org/
> Best
> Ingo

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