Alexander Trushev created FLINK-24139: -----------------------------------------
Summary: Push down more predicates through Join in stream mode Key: FLINK-24139 URL: Project: Flink Issue Type: Improvement Components: Table SQL / Planner Reporter: Alexander Trushev Attachments: q13_after.json, q13_after.png, q13_after.txt, q13_before.json, q13_before.png, q13_before.txt h3. Context Rule {{JoinDependentConditionDerivationRule}} is introduced in FLINK-12509. This rule rewrites join condition in such way that more predicates can be pushed down through join. For example, # Source A = [a0, a1, a2], source B = [b0, b1] # {code:sql} select * from A join B on a0 = b0 where (a1 = 0 and b1 = 0) or a2 = 0{code} # {{JoinDependentConditionDerivationRule}} transforms condition ((a1 and b1) or a2) to (((a1 and b1) or a2) and (a1 or a2)) # {{JoinConditionPushRule}} pushes (a1 or a2) to A source It is a good optimization that can lead to performance improvement of query execution. Currently, {{JoinDependentConditionDerivationRule}} is used only in batch mode. h3. Proposal Enable {{JoinDependentConditionDerivationRule}} in stream mode. h3. Benefit Experiment based on [] Cluster – 4 nodes each 2 slots Dataset – tpcds_bin_orc_20 Before – 1.14.0-rc0 After – 1.14.0-rc0 + patched {{FlinkStreamProgram}} including {{JoinDependentConditionDerivationRule}} ||TPC-DS 20 GB||Before||After|| |q13 stream mode|83 s|8 s| Query plan, stream graph, dashboard visualization before and after the patch are in the attachment -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.3.4#803005)