Anton Kalashnikov created FLINK-23928:

             Summary: Test the buffer debloating
                 Key: FLINK-23928
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Sub-task
            Reporter: Anton Kalashnikov

# {color:#6a8759}Configure the buffer debloat by setting 
`` to true{color}
 # {color:#6a8759}Start the job with a long checkpoint time{color}
 # {color:#6a8759}Check the alignment time for each subtask it should be near{color}
 # {color:#6a8759}Check the checkpoint time it should be near taskCount *{color}
 # {color:#6a8759}Try to change Checkponint time should be 
changed correspondetly.{color}
 # {color:#6a8759}Check metrics 
{color}{color:#6a8759}estimatedTimeToConsumerBuffersMs and 
{color}{color:#6a8759}debloatedBufferSize which also should depend on the 
current debloat configuration.

{color:#6a8759} {color}

{color:#6a8759}Other configuration which can be changed for test.{color}
 * {color:#6a8759}taskmanager.memory.min-segment-size(if this would be equal to 
taskmanager.memory.segment-size then the behaviour should be same as with 
disabled buffer debloat)
 * {color:#6a8759}{color}
 * {color:#6a8759}{color}

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