Hi Guowei,

1. your idea is quite similar to FLIP-171 [1]. The question is if we
implement FLIP-171 based on public interfaces (which would require exposing
MailboxExecutor as described here in FLIP-177) or if it's better to
implement it internally and hide it.
The first option is an abstract base class; your second option would be an
abstract interface that has matching implementation internally (similarly
to AsyncIO).
There is an example for option 1 in [2]; I think the idea was to
additionally specify the batch size and batch timeout in the ctor. @Hausmann,
Steffen <shau...@amazon.de> knows more.

2. I guess your question is if current AsyncIO is not sufficient already if
exactly-once is not needed? The answer is currently no, because AsyncIO is
not doing any batching. The user could do batching before that but that's
quite a bit of code. However, we should really think if AsyncIO should also
support batching.
I would also say that the scope of AsyncIO and AsyncSink is quite
different: the first one is for application developers and the second one
is for connector developers and would be deemed an implementation detail by
the application developer. Of course, advanced users may fall in both
categories, so the distinction does not always hold.

Nevertheless, there is some overlap between both approaches and it's
important to think if the added complexity warrants the benefit. It would
be interesting to hear how other devs see that.

[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-171%3A+Async+Sink

On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 11:11 AM Guowei Ma <guowei....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Avrid
> Thank you Avrid for perfecting Sink through this FLIP. I have two little
> questions
> 1. What do you think of us directly providing an interface as follows? In
> this way, there may be no need to expose the Mailbox to the user. We can
> implement an `AsyncSinkWriterOperator` to control the length of the queue.
> If it is too long, do not call SinkWriter::write.
> public interface AsyncSinkWriter<InputT, CommT, WriterStateT>
>         extends SinkWriter<Tuple2<InputT, XXXFuture<?>>, CommT,
> WriterStateT> { //// please ignore the name of Tuple2 and XXXFuture at
> first.
>     int getQueueLimit();
> }
> 2. Another question is: If users don't care about exactly once and the
> unification of stream and batch, how about letting users use
> `AsyncFunction` directly? I don’t have an answer either. I want to hear
> your suggestions.
> Best,
> Guowei
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 3:38 PM Arvid Heise <ar...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Dear devs,
> >
> > today I'd like to start the discussion on the Sink API. I have drafted a
> > FLIP [1] with an accompanying PR [2].
> >
> > This FLIP is a bit special as it's actually a few smaller Amend-FLIPs in
> > one. In this discussion, we should decide on the scope and cut out too
> > invasive steps if we can't reach an agreement.
> >
> > Step 1 is to add a few more pieces of information to context objects.
> > That's non-breaking and needed for the async communication pattern in
> > FLIP-171 [3]. While we need to add a new Public API (MailboxExecutor), I
> > think that this should entail the least discussions.
> >
> > Step 2 is to also offer the same context information to committers. Here
> we
> > can offer some compatibility methods to not break existing sinks. The
> main
> > use case would be some async exactly-once sink but I'm not sure if we
> would
> > use async communication patterns at all here (or simply wait for all
> async
> > requests to finish in a sync way). It may also help with async cleanup
> > tasks though.
> >
> > While drafting Step 2, I noticed the big entanglement of the current API.
> > To figure out if there is a committer during the stream graph creation,
> we
> > actually need to create a committer which can have unforeseen
> consequences.
> > Thus, I spiked if we can disentangle the interface and have separate
> > interfaces for the different use cases. The resulting step 3 would be a
> > completely breaking change and thus is probably controversial. However,
> I'd
> > also see the disentanglement as a way to prepare to make Sinks more
> > expressive (write and commit coordinator) without completely overloading
> > the main interface.
> >
> > [1]
> >
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-177%3A+Extend+Sink+API
> > [2] https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/16399
> > [3]
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-171%3A+Async+Sink
> >

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