Hi Till, Very thanks for the review and comments!
1) First I think in fact we could be able to do the computation outside of the main thread, and the current implementation mainly due to the computation is in general fast and we initially want to have a simplified first version. The main requirement here is to have a constant view of the state of the tasks, otherwise for example if we have A -> B, if A is running when we check if we need to trigger A, we will mark A as have to trigger, but if A gets to finished when we check B, we will also mark B as have to trigger, then B will receive both rpc trigger and checkpoint barrier, which would break some assumption on the task side and complicate the implementation. But to cope this issue, we in fact could first have a snapshot of the tasks' state and then do the computation, both the two step do not need to be in the main thread. 2) For the computation logic, in fact currently we benefit a lot from some shortcuts on all-to-all edges and job vertex with all tasks running, these shortcuts could do checks on the job vertex level first and skip some job vertices as a whole. With this optimization we have a O(V) algorithm, and the current running time of the worst case for a job with 320,000 tasks is less than 100ms. For daily graph sizes the time would be further reduced linearly. If we do the computation based on the last triggered tasks, we may not easily encode this information into the shortcuts on the job vertex level. And since the time seems to be short, perhaps it is enough to do re-computation from the scratch in consideration of the tradeoff between the performance and the complexity ? 3) We are going to emit the EndOfInput event exactly after the finish() method and before the last snapshotState() method so that we could shut down the whole topology with a single final checkpoint. Very sorry for not include enough details for this part and I'll complement the FLIP with the details on the process of the final checkpoint / savepoint. Best, Yun ------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> Send Time:2021 Jul. 14 (Wed.) 22:05 To:dev <dev@flink.apache.org> Subject:Re: [RESULT][VOTE] FLIP-147: Support Checkpoint After Tasks Finished Hi everyone, I am a bit late to the voting party but let me ask three questions: 1) Why do we execute the trigger plan computation in the main thread if we cannot guarantee that all tasks are still running when triggering the checkpoint? Couldn't we do the computation in a different thread in order to relieve the main thread a bit. 2) The implementation of the DefaultCheckpointPlanCalculator seems to go over the whole topology for every calculation. Wouldn't it be more efficient to maintain the set of current tasks to trigger and check whether anything has changed and if so check the succeeding tasks until we have found the current checkpoint trigger frontier? 3) When are we going to send the endOfInput events to a downstream task? If this happens after we call finish on the upstream operator but before snapshotState then it would be possible to shut down the whole topology with a single final checkpoint. I think this part could benefit from a bit more detailed description in the FLIP. Cheers, Till On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 8:36 AM Yun Gao <yungao...@aliyun.com.invalid> wrote: > Hi there, > > Since the voting time of FLIP-147[1] has passed, I'm closing the vote now. > > There were seven +1 votes ( 6 / 7 are bindings) and no -1 votes: > > - Dawid Wysakowicz (binding) > - Piotr Nowojski(binding) > - Jiangang Liu (binding) > - Arvid Heise (binding) > - Jing Zhang (binding) > - Leonard Xu (non-binding) > - Guowei Ma (binding) > > Thus I'm happy to announce that the update to the FLIP-147 is accepted. > > Very thanks everyone! > > Best, > Yun > > [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/mw-ZCQ