Hey Yuan, thanks for the proposal

I think Option 3 is the simplest to use and exposes less details than any other.
It's also consistent with the current way of configuring state
backends, as long as we treat change logging as a common feature
applicable to any state backend, like e.g.

Option 6 seems slightly less preferable as it exposes more details but
I think is the most viable alternative.


On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 8:39 AM Yuan Mei <yuanmei.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> We would like to start a discussion on how to enable/config Changelog
> Statebakcend.
> As part of FLIP-158[1], Changelog state backend wraps on top of existing
> state backend (HashMapStateBackend, EmbeddedRocksDBStateBackend and may
> expect more) and delegates state changes to the underlying state backends.
> This thread is to discuss the problem of how Changelog StateBackend should
> be enabled and configured.
> Proposed options to enable/config state changelog is listed below:
> Option 1: Enable Changelog Statebackend through a Boolean Flag
> Option 2: Enable Changelog Statebackend through a Boolean Flag + a Special
> Case
> Option 3: Enable Changelog Statebackend through a Boolean Flag + W/O
> ChangelogStateBackend Exposed
> Option 4: Explicit Nested Configuration + “changelog.inner” prefix for
> inner backend
> Option 5: Explicit Nested Configuration + inner state backend configuration
> unchanged
> Option 6: Config Changelog and Inner Statebackend All-Together
> Details of each option can be found here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/13AaCf5fczYTDHZ4G1mgYL685FqbnoEhgo0cdwuJlZmw/edit?usp=sharing
> When considering these options, please consider these four dimensions:
> 1 Consistency
> API/config should follow a consistent model and should not have
> contradicted logic beneath
> 2 Simplicity
> API should be easy to use and not introduce too much burden on users
> 3. Explicity
> API/config should not contain implicit assumptions and should be intuitive
> to users
> 4. Extensibility
> With foreseen future, whether the current setting can be easily extended
> Please let us know what do you think and please keep the discussion in this
> mailing thread.
> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-158%3A+Generalized+incremental+checkpoints
> Best
> Yuan

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