Thank you Thomas! I'll definitely check the issue you linked.



On 23/03/2021 20:35, Thomas Weise wrote:
> Hi Dawid,
> Thanks for the heads up.
> Regarding the "Rebase and merge" button. I find that merge option useful,
> especially for small simple changes and for backports. The following should
> help to safeguard from the issue encountered previously:
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 4:58 AM Dawid Wysakowicz <>
> wrote:
>> Hi devs, users!
>> 1. *Feature freeze date*
>> We are approaching the end of March which we agreed would be the time for
>> a Feature Freeze. From the knowledge I've gather so far it still seems to
>> be a viable plan. I think it is a good time to agree on a particular date,
>> when it should happen. We suggest *(end of day CEST) March 31st*
>> (Wednesday next week) as the feature freeze time.
>> Similarly as last time, we want to create RC0 on the day after the feature
>> freeze, to make sure the RC creation process is running smoothly, and to
>> have a common testing reference point.
>> Having said that let us remind after Robert & Dian from the previous
>> release what it a Feature Freeze means:
>> *B) What does feature freeze mean?*After the feature freeze, no new
>> features are allowed to be merged to master. Only bug fixes and
>> documentation improvements.
>> The release managers will revert new feature commits after the feature
>> freeze.
>> Rational: The goal of the feature freeze phase is to improve the system
>> stability by addressing known bugs. New features tend to introduce new
>> instabilities, which would prolong the release process.
>> If you need to merge a new feature after the freeze, please open a
>> discussion on the dev@ list. If there are no objections by a PMC member
>> within 48 (workday)hours, the feature can be merged.
>> 2. *Merge PRs from the command line*
>> In the past releases it was quite frequent around the Feature Freeze date
>> that we ended up with a broken main branch that either did not compile or
>> there were failing tests. It was often due to concurrent merges to the main
>> branch via the "Rebase and merge" button. To overcome the problem we would
>> like to suggest only ever merging PRs from a command line. Thank you
>> Stephan for the idea! The suggested workflow would look as follows:
>>    1. Pull the change and rebase on the current main branch
>>    2. Build the project (e.g. from IDE, which should be faster than
>>    building entire project from cmd) -> this should ensure the project 
>> compiles
>>    3. Run the tests in the module that the change affects -> this should
>>    greatly minimize the chances of failling tests
>>    4. Push the change to the main branch
>> Let us know what you think!
>> Best,
>> Guowei & Dawid

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