Feifan Wang created FLINK-21986:

             Summary: taskmanager native memory not release timely after restart
                 Key: FLINK-21986
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-21986
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Runtime / State Backends
    Affects Versions: 1.12.1
         Environment: flink version:1.12.1
run :yarn session
job type:mock source -> regular join
checkpoint interval: 3m
Taskmanager memory : 16G
            Reporter: Feifan Wang
         Attachments: image-2021-03-25-15-53-44-214.png, 
image-2021-03-25-16-07-29-083.png, image-2021-03-26-11-46-06-828.png, 

I run a regular join job with flink_1.12.1 , and find taskmanager native memory 
not release timely after restart cause by exceeded checkpoint tolerable failure 

*problem job information:*
 # job first restart cause by exceeded checkpoint tolerable failure threshold.
 # then taskmanager be killed by yarn many times
 # in this case,tm heap is set to 7.68G,bug all tm heap size is under 4.2G
 # nonheap size increase after restart,but still under 160M.
 # taskmanager process memory increase 3-4G after restart(this figure show one 
of taskmanager)

*my guess:*


 mentioned :Many of the Java Objects used in the RocksJava API will be backed 
by C++ objects for which the Java Objects have ownership. As C++ has no notion 
of automatic garbage collection for its heap in the way that Java does, we must 
explicitly free the memory used by the C++ objects when we are finished with 


So, is it possible that RocksDBStateBackend not call 
AbstractNativeReference#close() to release memory use by RocksDB C++ Object ?

*I make a change:*

        Actively call System.gc() and System.runFinalization() every minute.

 *And run this test again:*
 # taskmanager process memory no obvious increase
 # job run for several days,and restart many times,but no taskmanager killed by 
yarn like before

 # first,there is some native memory can not release timely after restart in 
this situation
 # I guess it maybe RocksDB C++ object,but I hive not check it from source code 
of RocksDBStateBackend


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