Hi Jan,

if you run mvn install of your modified Flink, then you can simply use the
maven artefacts from the local repository. You should then either specify
--no-snapshot-updates or assign a different maven version to your Flink
build which you can reference from your test job.


On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 10:12 PM Jan Brusch <jan.bru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been making some modifications to the flink source code and a
> connector. Now I would like to test my code by building a job with it
> and running the job against my modified flink source.
> There are multiple options, I guess, how to achieve that. So, I wanted
> to ask here about your setup / best practices / tips on how to work
> with, develop and test custom flink builds. How does your setup and your
> usual workflow look like?
> Best regards and thanks
> Jan

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