Hi Galen,

I think that adding support for GCS using the StreamingFileSink sounds like
a very good idea to me. Looking at FLINK-11838 I believe that this effort
has been abandoned. I think that you could take this ticket over if you
want. Maybe you could update this ticket with your solution proposal.

I will check whether I can find a committer who could help you with this


On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 7:43 PM Galen Warren <ga...@cvillewarrens.com>

> Hi -- I'm wondering if you would be interested in a contribution to add a
> HadoopFileSystem implementation, with associated RecoverableWriter, for
> Google Cloud Storage. This would be similar to what's already in place for
> S3, and it would allow writing to GCS using a StreamingFileSink. The
> implementation would be similar to what's already in place for S3.
> I see there's been some work on this before (FLINK-11838 Add GCS
> RecoverableWriter by Fokko · Pull Request #7915 · apache/flink (github.com
> )
> <https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/7915>, but the original people
> working on it have put it on hold, and the last activity was over six
> months ago.
> I need this for my own purposes and I have an implementation that I'm
> working on locally. I'd be interested to contribute this if you'd be
> interested. Let me know if so and I'll create a Jira ticket.
> Thanks,
> Galen Warren

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