Hi Shengkai, Glad to see this improvement. And I have some additional suggestions:
#1. Unify the TableEnvironment in ExecutionContext to StreamTableEnvironment for both streaming and batch sql. #2. Improve the way of results retrieval: sql client collect the results locally all at once using accumulators at present, which may have memory issues in JM or Local for the big query result. Accumulator is only suitable for testing purpose. We may change to use SelectTableSink, which is based on CollectSinkOperatorCoordinator. #3. Do we need to consider Flink SQL gateway which is in FLIP-91. Seems that this FLIP has not moved forward for a long time. Provide a long running service out of the box to facilitate the sql submission is necessary. What do you think of these? [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-91%3A+Support+SQL+Client+Gateway Shengkai Fang <fskm...@gmail.com> 于2021年1月28日周四 下午8:54写道: > Hi devs, > > Jark and I want to start a discussion about FLIP-163:SQL Client > Improvements. > > Many users have complained about the problems of the sql client. For > example, users can not register the table proposed by FLIP-95. > > The main changes in this FLIP: > > - use -i parameter to specify the sql file to initialize the table > environment and deprecated YAML file; > - add -f to submit sql file and deprecated '-u' parameter; > - add more interactive commands, e.g ADD JAR; > - support statement set syntax; > > > For more detailed changes, please refer to FLIP-163[1]. > > Look forward to your feedback. > > > Best, > Shengkai > > [1] > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-163%3A+SQL+Client+Improvements > -- *With kind regards ------------------------------------------------------------ Sebastian Liu 刘洋 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science Mobile\WeChat: +86—15201613655 E-mail: liuyang0...@gmail.com <liuyang0...@gmail.com> QQ: 3239559*