Hi everyone,

in Ververica Platform we offer a feature to use environment variables in
the Flink configuration¹, e.g.

s3.access-key: ${S3_ACCESS_KEY}

We've been discussing internally whether contributing such a feature to
Flink directly would make sense and wanted to start a discussion on this

An alternative way to do so from the above would be parsing those directly
based on their name, so instead of having it defined in the Flink
configuration as above, it would get automatically set if something like
$FLINK_CONFIG_S3_ACCESS_KEY was set in the environment. This is somewhat
similar to what e.g. Spring does, and faces similar challenges (dealing
with "."s etc.)

Although I view both of these approaches as mostly orthogonal, supporting
both very likely wouldn't make sense, of course. So I was wondering what
your opinion is in terms of whether the project would benefit from
environment variable support for the Flink configuration, and whether there
are tendencies as to which approach to go with.


Best regards

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