Hi everyone,

Currently, Hive delegation token is not obtained when Flink submits the 
application in Yarn mode using kinit way. The ticket is 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-20714. I'd like to start a 
discussion about how to support this feature.

Maybe we have two options:
1. Using a reflection way to construct a Hive client to obtain the token, just 
same as the org.apache.flink.yarn.Utils.obtainTokenForHBase implementation.
2. Introduce a pluggable delegation provider via SPI. Delegation provider could 
be placed in connector related code, so reflection is not needed and is more 

Both options have to handle how to specify the HiveConf to use. In Hive 
connector, user could specify both hiveConfDir and hadoopConfDir when creating 
HiveCatalog. The hadoopConfDir may not the same as the Hadoop configuration in 

Looking forward to your suggestions.

Best regards!
Jie Wang

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