Hi Dom,

+ user mail list

Once you got to know the state descriptor, I think you could query the join 
state. The state name is easy to get via [1], it should be "left-records" and 
"right-records", and you could check what kind of join and whether has unique 
key to decide what kind of state (value state or map state). The last part is 
to find what the rowData type is in your join, and maybe other SQL guys could 
answer this or you might find it by yourself by dumping the memory of your 


Yun Tang

From: Dominik Wosiński <wos...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 21:05
To: dev <dev@flink.apache.org>
Subject: State Processor API SQL State

Is it currently possible to obtain the state that was created by SQL query
via the State Processor API? I am able to load the checkpoint via the State
Processor API, but I wasn't able to think of a way to access the internal
state of my JOIN Query.

Best Regards,

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