Could you maybe outline how you want to extend the wrapped sink
functionality? A better approach might be to add an operation "in front"
of the sink.
On 08.10.20 11:32, Lorenzo Pirazzini wrote:
Hello, I'm having trouble finding a way to add logic to an existing
What I would like to do is wrap an input SinkFunction inside another one that
will perform its logic and then perform some additional logic, e.g.:
SinkFunction<TOUT> wrapFunction(SinkFunction<TOUT> function) {
return new SinkFunction<TOUT>() {
public void invoke(TOUT value, Context context) throws Exception {
function.invoke(value, context);
//additional logic
This is not clean since if the input function is actually a RichSinkFunction
(or another extension that adds other functionalities) I'll lose that
functionalities because my wrapper is not exposing them (if I take a
RichSinkFunction as parameter I lose the open() and close() methods since my
wrapper is not exposing them).
One thing that I could do is to define different wrappers, one for each type
extending SinkFunction, which will then expose all the methods implemented
invoking the underlying wrapped function relative method, but I don't see this
as a good solution.
Is there a way to add my custom logic to a function keeping all its features?
Thanks in advance
Lorenzo Pirazzini
Big Data Engineer
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