fa zheng created FLINK-19103: -------------------------------- Summary: The PushPartitionIntoTableSourceScanRule will lead a performance problem when there are still many partitions after pruning Key: FLINK-19103 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-19103 Project: Flink Issue Type: Improvement Components: Table SQL / Planner Affects Versions: 1.11.1, 1.10.2 Reporter: fa zheng Fix For: 1.12.0
The PushPartitionIntoTableSourceScanRule will obtain new statistic after pruning, however, it use a for loop to get statistics of each partitions and then merge them together. During this process, flink will try to call metastore's interface four times in one loop. When remaining partitions are huge, it spends a lot of time to get new statistic. {code:scala} val newStatistic = { val tableStats = catalogOption match { case Some(catalog) => def mergePartitionStats(): TableStats = { var stats: TableStats = null for (p <- remainingPartitions) { getPartitionStats(catalog, tableIdentifier, p) match { case Some(currStats) => if (stats == null) { stats = currStats } else { stats = stats.merge(currStats) } case None => return null } } stats } mergePartitionStats() case None => null } FlinkStatistic.builder().statistic(statistic).tableStats(tableStats).build() } {code} -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.3.4#803005)