Thanks a lot for doing these updates!

On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 10:23 PM Konstantin Knauf <> wrote:

> Dear community,
> The "weekly" community update is back after a short summer break! This time
> I've tried to cover most of what happened during the last four weeks, but I
> might pick up some older topics in the next weeks' updates, too.
> Activity on the dev@ mailing list has picked up quite a bit as feature
> development & design for the next releases of Apache Flink and Apache Flink
> Stateful Functions is going at full steam. In detail:
> Flink Development
> ==============
> * [releases] [Flink 1.12] The work on Flink 1.12 is well underway with
> feature freeze planned for end of October [1]. Our release managers Robert
> & Dian are periodically reminding the developer community of current
> blockers to reduce time during release testing for this release [2].
> * [releases] [Stateful Functions 2.2] Igal has started a discussion
> releasing Stateful Functions 2.2. soon (proposed feature freeze:
> September 10). The most notable feature is maybe the option to embed a
> stateful functions module in a DataStream program via DataStream
> Ingress/Egress. Checkout [3] for a full list of the planned features.
> * [releases] [Flink 1.10] Flink 1.10.2 was released. [4]
> * [apis] Besides the Stateful Functions API, Flink currently has three
> top-level APIs: DataStream (streaming), DataSet (batch) and TableAPI/SQL
> (unified). A major step towards the goal of a truly unified batch and
> stream processing engine is the unification of the DataStream/DataSet APIs.
> This is one of the main topics of the upcoming release(s), specifically:
>     * Aljoscha has published FLIP-131 [5] proposing to deprecate and
> eventually drop the DataSet API. In order to still support the same breadth
> of use cases, we need to make sure that all its use cases are covered by
> the two remaining APIs: a unified DataStream API and the Table API. These
> changes are not part of FLIP-131 itself, but are covered in other FLIPs,
> which already exist (like FLIP-27 [6] or FLIP-129 [7]) or will be published
> over the next few weeks like FLIP-134 (see below). [8]
>     * Most importantly, FLIP-134 [9] discusses how the DataStream API could
> be used to efficiently execute batch workloads in the future. In essence
> the FLIP proposes to introduce a BATCH and a STREAMING execution mode for
> DataStream programs. The STREAMING mode corresponds to the current
> behavior, while the BATCH mode adjusts the behavior in various areas to fit
> the requirements of batch processing, e.g. pipelined scheduling with region
> failover, blocking shuffles, no checkpointing, no watermarks, ... [10]
> * [apis] Time proposes FLIP-136 to improve the interoperability between the
> Data Stream and Table API. The FLIP covers the conversion between
> DataStream <-> Table (incl. cnangelong streams, watermarks, etc.) as well
> as more additional support for working with the Row type in the DataStream
> API. [11]
> * [datastream api] Dawid proposes to remove a set of deprecated methods
> from the DataStream API. [12]
> * [runtime] Yuan Mei has started a discussion on FLIP-135 to introduce
> task-local recovery. The FLIP is about the introduction of a new
> failover/recovery strategy for Flink Jobs, that trades consistency for
> availability. Specifically, in the case of approximate task-local recovery
> the failure of some tasks would not trigger a restart of the rest of the
> job, but in turn you can expect data loss or duplication. [13]
> * [python] Xingbo Huang proposes to extend the support of Pandas/vectorized
> functions from scalar functions to aggregate functions. For more details on
> Pandas support on PyFlink see the blog post linked below. [14]
> * [connectors] Aljoscha has started a discussion on dropping support for
> Kafka 0.10/0.11 in Flink 1.12+. [15]
> * [connectors] Robert has revived the discussion on adding support for
> Hbase 2.3.x. There is a consensus to add the HBase 2.x connector Apache
> Flink, but no consensus yet on whether to move the existing HBase 1.x from
> the Flink project to Apache Bahir, too. [16]
> <>
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> [11]
> [12]
> [13]
> [14]
> [15]
> [16]
> ==============
> Jark has recently published a set of Flink connectors (DataStream & Table
> API/SQL) that allow to ingest the changelog of MySQL and Postgres without
> additional tools like Kafka or Debezium. [17]
> [17]
> Notable Bugs
> ==========
> To be honest, I did not search through every bug ticket created over the
> last four weeks, only the last seven days, and I did not find anything
> particularly notable. So, I'll leave you without any bug reports this time.
> Events, Blog Posts, Misc
> ===================
> * David Anderson is now an Apache Flink committer. Congrats! [18]
> * There have been a couple blog posts on the Flink blog recently that
> highlight some of the features added in latest release:
>     * PyFlink: The Integration of Pands into PyFlink [19]
> <
> >
>     *  <
> >Accelerating
> your workload with GPU and other external resources [20]
>     * Monitoring and Controlling Networks of IoT Devices with Flink
> Stateful Functions [21]
>     * The State of Flink on Docker [22]
> <>
> * The schedule for Flink Forward Global is live [23]. The event is free and
> you can already register under [24].
> [18]
> [19]
> [20]
> [21]
> [22]
> [23]
> [24]
> Cheers,
> Konstantin
> --
> Konstantin Knauf

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