Yumeng Zhang created FLINK-18706:

             Summary: Stop with savepoint cannot guarantee exactly-once for 
kafka source
                 Key: FLINK-18706
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18706
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 1.11.1, 1.10.1
            Reporter: Yumeng Zhang

When I run stop-with-savepoint command with my old job and submit a new job 
with the previous sync-savepoint, I find sometimes my new job will consume a 
few duplicate data. Here is my case. I have a data generation job with 
parallelism 1, which will generate long number incrementally and send the data 
to Kafka topicA which only has one partition. Then I have another consumer job 
with parallelism 1, which reads data from topicA and does nothing processing, 
just print these numbers to system out. For example, after doing 
stop-with-savepoint, my consumer job has printed sequence 
0,1,2,3...40,41,42,43. Then I start the consumer job again from that 
sync-savepoint. It prints 41,42,43,44..., which means it has consumed some 
duplicate data.
I think the reason is that we fail to guarantee the mutual exclusion between 
canceling source task and sending data to downstream by checkpoint lock. It may 
send some data to downstream first before sync-savepoint completed and then 
cancel the task. Therefore, We need to keep the source operator running in the 
synchronous savepoint mailbox loop for triggerCheckpoint method before 
synchronous savepoint completed and keep checking running state before sending 
data to downstream for Kafka connector. 

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