gaoling ma created FLINK-18626:

             Summary: the result of aggregate SQL on streaming cannot write to 
upsert table sink 
                 Key: FLINK-18626
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Connectors / JDBC, Table SQL / API
    Affects Versions: 1.11.0
            Reporter: gaoling ma

StreamExecutionEnvironment bsEnv = 
EnvironmentSettings bsSettings = 
StreamTableEnvironment bsTableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(bsEnv, 
bsTableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE aaa(\n" +
                "    `area_code`        VARCHAR,\n" +
                "    `stat_date`        DATE,\n" +
                "    `index`            BIGINT,\n" +
                "    PRIMARY KEY (area_code, stat_date) NOT ENFORCED" +
                ") WITH (\n" +
                "  'connector'  = 'jdbc',\n" +
                "  'url'        = 'jdbc:mysql://***/laowufp_data_test',\n" +
                "  'table-name' = 'aaa',\n" +
                "  'driver'     = 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver',\n" +
                "  'username'   = '***',\n" +
                "  'password'   = '***'\n" +
                bsTableEnv.executeSql("INSERT INTO aaa SELECT area_code, 
CURRENT_DATE AS stat_date, count(*) AS index FROM bbb WHERE is_record = '是' 
GROUP BY area_code");
When I write the aggregate SQL results into upsert stream JDBC table sink, the 
program automatically exits with no hint.
The aggregate results suppose to be a restract stream, but another question is 
how to change the restract stream into upsert stream. Or there is a better way 
to continuous update the aggregate SQL results into JDBC table. Your comment is 

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