Thanks Till for the clarification. I opened

On 03/07/2020 10:15, Till Rohrmann wrote:
> @Dawid I think it would be correct to also include the classifier for the
> org.apache.orc:orc-core:jar:nohive:1.4.3 dependency because it is different
> from the non-classified artifact. I would not block the release on it,
> though, because it is a ASL 2.0 dependency which we are not required to
> list. Can you open a PR for fixing this problem?
> Concerning the Python module I believe that Jincheng could help us with the
> verification process.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 8:46 AM Zhijiang <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> Thanks for your reply with rich information!
>> We are trying to reproduce your case in our cluster to further verify it,
>> and  @Yingjie Cao is working on it now.
>>  As we have not kinesis consumer and producer internally, so we will
>> construct the common source and sink instead in the case of backpressure.
>> Firstly, we can dismiss the rockdb factor in this release, since you also
>> mentioned that "filesystem leads to same symptoms".
>> Secondly, if my understanding is right, you emphasis that the regression
>> only exists for the jobs with low checkpoint interval (10s).
>> Based on that, I have two suspicions with the network related changes in
>> this release:
>>     - [1]: Limited the maximum backlog value (default 10) in subpartition
>> queue.
>>     - [2]: Delay send the following buffers after checkpoint barrier on
>> upstream side until barrier alignment on downstream side.
>> These changes are motivated for reducing the in-flight buffers to speedup
>> checkpoint especially in the case of backpressure.
>> In theory they should have very minor performance effect and actually we
>> also tested in cluster to verify within expectation before merging them,
>>  but maybe there are other corner cases we have not thought of before.
>> Before the testing result on our side comes out for your respective job
>> case, I have some other questions to confirm for further analysis:
>>     -  How much percentage regression you found after switching to 1.11?
>>     -  Are there any network bottleneck in your cluster? E.g. the network
>> bandwidth is full caused by other jobs? If so, it might have more effects
>> by above [2]
>>     -  Did you adjust the default network buffer setting? E.g.
>> "" or
>> ""
>>     -  I guess the topology has three vertexes "KinesisConsumer -> Chained
>> FlatMap -> KinesisProducer", and the partition mode for "KinesisConsumer ->
>> FlatMap" and "FlatMap->KinesisProducer" are both "forward"? If so, the edge
>> connection is one-to-one, not all-to-all, then the above [1][2] should no
>> effects in theory with default network buffer setting.
>>     - By slot sharing, I guess these three vertex parallelism task would
>> probably be deployed into the same slot, then the data shuffle is by memory
>> queue, not network stack. If so, the above [2] should no effect.
>>     - I also saw some Jira changes for kinesis in this release, could you
>> confirm that these changes would not effect the performance?
>> Best,
>> Zhijiang
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> From:Thomas Weise <>
>> Send Time:2020年7月3日(星期五) 01:07
>> To:dev <>; Zhijiang <>
>> Subject:Re: [VOTE] Release 1.11.0, release candidate #4
>> Hi Zhijiang,
>> The performance degradation manifests in backpressure which leads to
>> growing backlog in the source. I switched a few times between 1.10 and 1.11
>> and the behavior is consistent.
>> The DAG is:
>> KinesisConsumer -> (Flat Map, Flat Map, Flat Map)   -------- forward
>> ---------> KinesisProducer
>> Parallelism: 160
>> No shuffle/rebalance.
>> Checkpointing config:
>> Checkpointing Mode Exactly Once
>> Interval 10s
>> Timeout 10m 0s
>> Minimum Pause Between Checkpoints 10s
>> Maximum Concurrent Checkpoints 1
>> Persist Checkpoints Externally Enabled (delete on cancellation)
>> State backend: rocksdb  (filesystem leads to same symptoms)
>> Checkpoint size is tiny (500KB)
>> An interesting difference to another job that I had upgraded successfully
>> is the low checkpointing interval.
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas
>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 9:02 PM Zhijiang <
>> .invalid>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Thomas,
>>> Thanks for the efficient feedback.
>>> Regarding the suggestion of adding the release notes document, I agree
>>> with your point. Maybe we should adjust the vote template accordingly in
>>> the respective wiki to guide the following release processes.
>>> Regarding the performance regression, could you provide some more details
>>> for our better measurement or reproducing on our sides?
>>> E.g. I guess the topology only includes two vertexes source and sink?
>>> What is the parallelism for every vertex?
>>> The upstream shuffles data to the downstream via rebalance partitioner or
>>> other?
>>> The checkpoint mode is exactly-once with rocksDB state backend?
>>> The backpressure happened in this case?
>>> How much percentage regression in this case?
>>> Best,
>>> Zhijiang
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> From:Thomas Weise <>
>>> Send Time:2020年7月2日(星期四) 09:54
>>> To:dev <>
>>> Subject:Re: [VOTE] Release 1.11.0, release candidate #4
>>> Hi Till,
>>> Yes, we don't have the setting in flink-conf.yaml.
>>> Generally, we carry forward the existing configuration and any change to
>>> default configuration values would impact the upgrade.
>>> Yes, since it is an incompatible change I would state it in the release
>>> notes.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Thomas
>>> BTW I found a performance regression while trying to upgrade another
>>> pipeline with this RC. It is a simple Kinesis to Kinesis job. Wasn't able
>>> to pin it down yet, symptoms include increased checkpoint alignment time.
>>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 12:04 AM Till Rohrmann <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Thomas,
>>>> just to confirm: When starting the image in local mode, then you don't
>>> have
>>>> any of the JobManager memory configuration settings configured in the
>>>> effective flink-conf.yaml, right? Does this mean that you have
>> explicitly
>>>> removed `jobmanager.heap.size: 1024m` from the default configuration?
>> If
>>>> this is the case, then I believe it was more of an unintentional
>> artifact
>>>> that it worked before and it has been corrected now so that one needs
>> to
>>>> specify the memory of the JM process explicitly. Do you think it would
>>> help
>>>> to explicitly state this in the release notes?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Till
>>>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 7:01 AM Thomas Weise <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for preparing another RC!
>>>>> As mentioned in the previous RC thread, it would be super helpful if
>>> the
>>>>> release notes that are part of the documentation can be included [1].
>>>> It's
>>>>> a significant time-saver to have read those first.
>>>>> I found one more non-backward compatible change that would be worth
>>>>> addressing/mentioning:
>>>>> It is now necessary to configure the jobmanager heap size in
>>>>> flink-conf.yaml (with either jobmanager.heap.size
>>>>> or jobmanager.memory.heap.size). Why would I not want to do that
>>> anyways?
>>>>> Well, we set it dynamically for a cluster deployment via the
>>>>> flinkk8soperator, but the container image can also be used for
>> testing
>>>> with
>>>>> local mode (./bin/ start-foreground local). That will
>> fail
>>>> if
>>>>> the heap wasn't configured and that's how I noticed it.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Thomas
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 3:18 AM Zhijiang <
>>>>> .invalid>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>> Please review and vote on the release candidate #4 for the version
>>>>> 1.11.0,
>>>>>> as follows:
>>>>>> [ ] +1, Approve the release
>>>>>> [ ] -1, Do not approve the release (please provide specific
>> comments)
>>>>>> The complete staging area is available for your review, which
>>> includes:
>>>>>> * JIRA release notes [1],
>>>>>> * the official Apache source release and binary convenience
>> releases
>>> to
>>>>> be
>>>>>> deployed to [2], which are signed with the key
>> with
>>>>>> fingerprint 2DA85B93244FDFA19A6244500653C0A2CEA00D0E [3],
>>>>>> * all artifacts to be deployed to the Maven Central Repository [4],
>>>>>> * source code tag "release-1.11.0-rc4" [5],
>>>>>> * website pull request listing the new release and adding
>>> announcement
>>>>>> blog post [6].
>>>>>> The vote will be open for at least 72 hours. It is adopted by
>>> majority
>>>>>> approval, with at least 3 PMC affirmative votes.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Release Manager
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>> [5]
>>>>>> [6]

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