This is difficult to do since you cannot have multiple jdk activations for a single profile in maven, and duplicating the entire profile for all jdk versions isn't an option.

We _maybe_ could invert the behavior such that the Java 11 behavior is the default, with a JDK 8 profile, but there may be some areas where this wouldn't work (e.g., adding dependencies in JDK 11), and it may catch developers off-guard.

On 30/06/2020 17:57, Niels Basjes wrote:
Hi Chesnay,

Ok, so if someone uses a non-LTS version of Java (like 14) then how about simply "pinning" it to the Java 11 compatibility?
I'm assuming no one uses Java 9 and/or 10 anymore so I'm ignoring those.
Then building with Java 8 will result in Java 8 code.
Building with Java 11, 12, 13, 14, ... will result in Java 11 code.

That way the code generated using Java 14 will fail immediately on Java 8 because of a completely incompatible binary format. To me this error would make a lot more sense (I would immediately know what I was doing should not work) than the strange error about the non-existent method.

Do you agree?


On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 1:15 PM Chesnay Schepler < <>> wrote:

    > What is the Java version Apache Flink is supposed to work with?

    8 and 11. Non-LTS Java11+ releases _should work_, but we don't put in
    effort to make it as convenient as for LTS releases. As such you
    have to
    manually enable the java11 profile when compiling Flink.

    I set the target version to 11 since IIRC we ran into more errors
    way, ensuring a smoother transition once Java 11 is the default.

    On 30/06/2020 13:01, Niels Basjes wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have both JDK 8 and 14 on my system and yesterday I ran into this
    > exception (I put the info I have in this ticket
    > ) :
    >         java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
    > java.nio.ByteBuffer.position(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
    > >From digging around (
    > )
    > it seems this is caused when using JDK 9+ without setting
    '-release 8' and
    > then running with JDK 8.
    > Essentially there are two solutions I see a lot:
    > 1) Add the -release 8 flag to the compiler
    > 2) Use the flaky workaround to cast all problem cases to the
    > implementing the method (i.e. cast to java.nio.Buffer)
    > Looking at the actual Flink code I found that
    > In a JDK 8 build both source and target are set to Java 8
    >       <java.version>1.8</java.version>
    > <maven.compiler.source>${java.version}</maven.compiler.source>
    > <>${java.version}</>
    > In a JDK 11 build a profile is activated that overrides it to
    Java 11
    >    <profile>
    >       <id>java11</id>
    >       <activation>
    >           <jdk>11</jdk>
    > <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
    >        <configuration>
    >            <source>11</source>
    >            <target>11</target>
    > So when building with Java 11 the output classes are Java 11
    > binaries.
    > However I have Java 14 (and the 'java11' profile is only
    activated at the
    > EXACT version of java 11) so it stays at source and target 1.8
    but does not
    > specify the "release 8" setting. ... which causes the problems I
    > Looking at the current build settings I was puzzled a bit and I
    have this
    > main question:
    >      What is the Java version Apache Flink is supposed to work with?
    > Currently I would expect Java 8.
    > So what I propose for this problem as a fix is to set source,
    target and
    > release to Java 8 for all compiler versions (i.e. also Java 9,
    11, 14, ...).
    > That way you can use any compiler and get the correct results.
    > I also am curious if that would fix the tests that seem to fail
    under Java
    > 11.
    > What do you think is the correct approach for this?

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,

Niels Basjes

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