Hi Aljoscha,

sounds good to me. Let’s also make sure we don’t refer to the JobMaster as
Jobmanager anywhere then (code, config).

I am not sure we can avoid mentioning the Flink ResourceManagers in user
facing docs completely. For JobMaster and Dispatcher this seems doable.



On Mon 15. Jun 2020 at 12:56, Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi All,
> This came to my mind because of the master/slave discussion in [1] and
> the larger discussions about inequality/civil rights happening right now
> in the world. I think for this reason alone we should use a name that
> does not include "master".
> We could rename it back to JobManager, which was the name mostly used
> before 2019. Since the beginning of Flink, TaskManager was the term used
> for the worker component/node and JobManager was the term used for the
> orchestrating component/node.
> Currently our glossary [2] defines these terms (paraphrased by me):
>   - "Flink Master": it's the orchestrating component that consists of
> resource manager, dispatcher, and JobManager
>   - JobManager: it's the thing that manages a single job and runs as
> part of a "Flink Master"
>   - TaskManager: it's the worker process
> Prior to the introduction of the glossary the definition of JobManager
> would have been:
>   - It's the orchestrating component that manages execution of jobs and
> schedules work on TaskManagers.
> Quite some parts in the code and documentation/configuration options
> still use that older meaning of JobManager. Newer parts of the
> documentation use "Flink Master" instead.
> I'm proposing to go back to calling the orchestrating component
> JobManager, which would mean that we have to touch up the documentation
> to remove mentions of "Flink Master". I'm also proposing not to mention
> the internal components such as resource manager and dispatcher in the
> glossary because there are transparent to users.
> I'm proposing to go back to JobManager instead of an alternative name
> also because switching to yet another name would mean many more changes
> to code/documentation/peoples minds.
> What do you all think?
> Best,
> Aljoscha
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18209
> [2]
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/concepts/glossary.html

Konstantin Knauf



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