Hi, Aman!

Thanks for reaching out and for your interest in Google Season of Docs
(GSoD)! To participate, you have to first submit an application with your
project proposal(s) [1]. Just to shed a bit more light on what we are
looking for:

*"Restructure the Table API & SQL Documentation*

*Right now the Table / SQL documentation is very technical and dry to read.
It is more like a technical specification than documentation that a new
user could read. This project is to take the existing content and
rewrite/reorganize it to make what the community already has more
*Extend the Table API & SQL Documentation*

*This is to add brand new content. This could be tutorials and walkthroughs
to help onboard new users or expanding an under-documented section such as
Hive interoperability."*

The applications are open as of tomorrow (June 9th) and you can learn more
about the process of applying to GSoD in [2,3].

Let me know if you have any other questions!




[2] https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/timeline

On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 9:27 AM Aman Singal <amansing...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Respected Sir,
> I am Aman Singal, I am a 2nd Year undergraduate student. I really would
> like to contribute in your esteemed organization in writing documentation.
> I have read and understood the requirement of the project "Extend the Table
> API & SQL Documentation"
> I request you to please share the details and guide me the path to get
> started.
> Yours Sincerely
> Aman Singal

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