Hey folks,

I am looking for a home to put and organize materials (mostly in Chinese)
altogether for easier reference or search in the future.

Those materials mainly include:
- video records for live broadcasting of Flink related content.  For
example, the set of selected Flink Forward talks reinterpreted and
broadcasted in Chinese.
- regular meet up topics, minutes, and PPTs. Meet-ups are held twice every
month on average.
- write-ups/blogs to share user experiences e.t.c.

Currently, those materials are published through the official Flink WeChat
account. The WeChat public account is a good way to “publish” information,
but very difficult to search or organize afterwards. Personally, I find
those materials are particularly helpful to users/developers not very
familiar with Flink, me, as an example. Hence finding a place easy-to-find
such materials is very important.

There are several options we can adopt, but specifically, these materials
are non-commercial stuff and purely for promoting the Flink community, so
better not be tagged with any commercial trademarks.

I was wondering how the English communities organize such materials? Can we
simply put them under https://flink.apache.org/  as a subcategory? like

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks ahead!



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